
Please ban the bible.

Correct answer: When the responding officer arrived at the scene, he took one look at Suzy and decided that based on her appearance she must have been asking for it. Based on this assumption, he never offered to collect a rape kit. He gathered no physical evidence, made one attempt to get a copy of the video from the

My compassion is not a finite resource, nor should anyone else’s be. I don’t believe it miserly doling it out to only the people you deem deserving. Life sentences for minors is wrong.

The reason he gave was that Rouhselang was too far along in her pregnancy to have an abortion by the time she informed Trejo she was pregnant.

Children shouldn’t get 50 year sentences 

If this was about professional sports that might be a valid line of discussion. This is not about professional sports.  This is about students, at school.

I’m no right-winger, but I think this is a much more complex issue than has been perpetuated. Conservatives aren’t the only ones protesting this issue, though their (underlying, prejudicial) reasoning is certainly unique.

I have bipolar and other comorbid issues T(including meborderline), he is just a pure c#nt there’s no two ways about it. Perhaps like trump he has comorbid narcissistic personality disorder tho? His grandiosity and selfishness with total lack of insight / lack of seeing what a total c#nt he is ? Mental illness is

Kim, either come get your man, or get a divorce lawyer right now. You have daughters with this a-hole.

This doesn’t strike me as him being selfish, but rather beyond frustrated and hopeless. He WAS there for her. For 2 years he stood with her and tried to make the charges stick. He worked with the system and the system ignored his daughter. It went so far that the school basically accused her of making it up

The fallacy of relative privation is one of my pet peeve fallacies. It’s such an obvious one, and yet people keep using and falling for it.

The woman certainly has the right to scream as loud as possible for at least as long as they are forced to listen to thumps of cells. Those forcing this should be forced to listen to those screams for at least as long...

This is rape by proxy. The lawmakers are making the doctors vaginally penetrate a woman against her will, that's rape

How many zeros after the decimal before safety feels guaranteed—in an Uber and in the world at large?

I’m entirely confused about why we would want to cancel “feelings.” Having feelings is good, talking about feelings is even better.

He’s nothing more than Log Cabin Republican. And he knows nothing about Black people. And Castro, a superior candidate, who actually understands black people is barely getting any traction.

Beyond disappointed that 1) they even gave him this platform, 2) they were so soft on his ass and 3) that Tiny was there instead of Deyjah’s biological mom.


I’d really love it if we could all put Bernie back on the shelf ... there’s a newer model on the market. 

it was his staff that clearly got it into his thick bull fucking skull that he needs to say very little, that he needs to say specifically what they tell him, and he needs to stfu and not say anymore.  This is pretty fucking unbelievable that he does NOT have the mental capacity to do this without notes.  This goddamn