
Reminded me to tell everyone that as odd as it sounds, Howard Stern’s wife Beth has the best kitty account on Instagram, as their various luxury homes have basically been turned into the nicest cat shelters in the world. Worth a follow! 

I’m so sorry this happened to you. This is a complicated situation for both of you, but in my opinion, it was the police officer who let you and other women down by inadvertently discouraging you to report. I think it falls to people in power to do something about it; at the same time, I understand she had whole host

These women all tell stories of him doing EXACTLY WHAT HE SAYS HE DID.

I hate Kristy’s parents now.

It’s absolutely amazing to me that living in a world where there has never been greater access to knowledge and scientific research is making so many people even more stupid and less educated than they would be without that access.

citation needed

I find it rather odd how on many issues we’ve ceded control of the wording to the other side. Anti-Vax, Pro-Life (which gives the implication that Pro-Choice is choosing death), TERFs (nowhere else would bigotry be called “radical” or feminist for that matter), “Law and Order” as a codeword for racial profiling, etc

We gotta start calling these people what they are: child-killers. They would rather have a dead child than one who has autism or some other (almost certainly fictional) “vaccine injury”.

Thirty two years old. Fuck!

Wow, she is an inspiration and it fucking sucks she lost her battle. I lost my husband to cancer 15 weeks ago tomorrow. It’s an exceptionally cruel disease. Fuck cancer, fuck it so much.

Last week was the one-year anniversary of losing a good friend of ours very suddenly. She left behind a husband and three children. It still hits me hard every couple of days and it’s all I can do to keep from ugly-crying in public. I hope Gabriele’s family and friends can find peace and comfort through their grief as

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Hold your horses, the best ones was in TNG.

I love this show so much. What’s been most disappointing for me is just how exhausting it’s been to try to have a conversation about it. Episode 3 is when I realized just how hard of a ride this is going to be, regardless of your opinion. 

I am very curious about who watches his captives when he’s out of the house. Kelly is a busy man who travels a lot, he would not be able to hold those women hostage without staff enforcing his abusive rules for him. He can’t be a one person cult, his entire entourage has collaborated with him.

That Kylie “face washing demonstration” video was all sorts of unintentionally hilarious. She uses a heavy filter and washes her face for like 3 seconds. You could also see foundation on the towel when she dried her face off. It’s obvious that she is selling teenagers some cheap stuff she would never use. 

This is really great. And I’m so glad to read some critical writing that takes the show’s storytelling on its own terms and tries to assess what it’s saying rather than some of the lazier armchair quarterbacking we got this season.

The babies should pull themselves up by their bootiestraps and stop expecting handouts. 

Enough to fill a book.

Look, everyone! A pupper to distract from the daily anguish- deepening roundup! His name is Gizmo, and he’s the therapy dog at my grandma’s assisted living.

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Wow, there is no energy in this. Just compare it to the animated version: