
I don't know you, yet I'm sure you never completed medical school.  Don't try to make up science as a shield for your bigotry.

A quick look at your comment history demonstrates that you aren’t asking this in good faith. Why not fuck off to someplace else? 

I’m from Baltimore and I don’t doubt that Julia will be back at Pride this year.  I look forward to meeting her.

I’m glad that you included the part about how (many) TERFs believe that trans women are somehow the “sleeper agents” of the patriarchy, sent on suicide missions to bust up women’s spaces. There’s plenty of this kind of bigotry-induced nuttiness online, and I think it’s important to bring that stuff to light so that

I have to say that, as a Deadspin reader and non GoT watcher, my favorite thing about this cultural phenomenon is how fucking stupid it seems and how, no matter what I’m doing, I feel like I must be spending my time better than if I were watching it.

One of the greatest strengths of this show is how it will go to great lengths to show how every character is flawed. I can’t speak for GRRM, but I feel like maybe all the main characters are shit because it’s a reflection of humans in general. People are too easily ready to worship this character or that one, but the

“It is much healthier for people, as well as pets, to eat a balanced diet with lean meats as protein sources, as well as vegetables, fruits and healthy grains.”

This was foreshadowed all the way back in Season 1.

Vasectomies are legal, covered by insurance and reversible if need be. Additionally, if more men had vasectomies, that would by definition reduce the need for many abortions (but do nothing for preventing STD transmisiion).

If she were white and republican I'm sure she'd be sitting on Chumps cabinet.

And they really let the scene breathe, took their time. It was lovely, all around.

They are passionate but not about abortion, it’s all about money. Abortion is just the whip they use to get their sheep back in line and purchasing their bullshit.

I grew up south of Denver and remember this so vividly, what an awful thing to be obsessed with. I also just finished reading the book Columbine (which is excellent). I really hope they find this girl because the 20th anniversary is the perfect day for someone like her to commit an atrocity.

I’m still so angry that Gypsy is in prison. At most, she should be in a mental health facility. Yes, she conspired to kill her mother, but I don’t blame her.  While this current relationship may not be good or healthy, she hasn’t been given the right tools to look for a good or healthy relationship.  Poor girl.  She

Gypsy Rose Blanchard needs years and years and years of good therapy not an Internet boyfriend. Sadly prison is a good place to find one and not so much the other. 

Trumps last twitt has to be reported, he is calling for murder.

The news makes me want to barf all day, every day.

I just listened to the first season of the podcast Uncover, called “Escaping Nxivm,” in which they interview a woman who spent like 12 years in Nxivm as a speaker and only realized something was wrong when she was asked to join DOS. She was best friends with Lauren Salzman. It was interesting and messed up.

Prison guards and the prison system are wholly responsible for ANY and ALL violence that occurs in the facilities they are running.

Funny how quickly these people pivot from “Gender is a construct!” to “Why can’t we codify gender even more?” when trans folks get involved. Also, when someone makes being “gender critical” (or whatever TERFs want to be called today) a central part of their media presence, it’s somewhat tiresome to hear them complain