
But she’s really not though. Much like Phyllis Schlafly, if she were really the wife she claimed to be, she’d be at home 24/7 with no job and no other reason to live than her husband, kids, and religion while obeying his every command.

“Let god plan parenthood”? I’m trying to get pregnant through ivf and follow various ivf hashtags on instagram. SO MANY of the americans thank god when their ivf is successful. Some try to be cute and say it was a little bit of science and a lot of prayer that got them pregnant. Seriously?!? Ivf is the most unnatural

I’m pretty sure the first amendment already guarantees free speech on college campuses, but at least the president got to use his big-boy pen again!

“...his honesty” Please stop confusing “honesty” with “he’s willing to say the racist things out loud that I am too chickenshit to say out loud myself’.

“I see the future of America right here, right now,” Beto O’Rourke says while standing on a counter in a coffee shop in Burlington, Iowa.

Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.

What’s most telling is that R. Kelly was present when those women were being interviewed and would cough at points to, ostensibly, remind them that he was there.

This Healing Crystal woman engages me for no reason.

Oh god no. I love Bernie, wanted him to get on the ballot the first time around, but give it up, dude! He is too divisive to gamble on, and there’s so much more at stake this time around, now that we have an inkling of just how bad things can get. We need a candidate who can win over the Midwest, and people are too

I have seen this story about AK pushed in two directions, from the right wing and the far left wing. Your comment is of a kind among the sandwichboard-wearing yurt dwellers. She is the second most liberal Senate Democrat relative to her constituency. She is a traditional liberal, if you look at the actual votes that

Scrutiny of candiates is good. A double standard is not good, especially when most people don’t or can’t acknowledge it’s even a thing.

She had the courage to speak out and ask for help. And was further abused. Fuck everything. Fuck everyone who failed her. Fuckkkkk. 

“The results speak for themselves” Sarah is right but not for the reasons she thinks 

How is this even remotely relevant? They have the same arguments as every anti-trans bigot. The conservative men that are anti-trans will also claim they are doing it to protect women and children. They have the same motivating politics, which is that they hate trans people.

Why would you talk to those men? Why would you stay there with those men there? Did you like the attention? Do you enjoy that kind of attention from men? Did you want that to happen to you?

Are you proud that someone can just make a video stating their opinions and cutting and editing raw footage, and trick you? Meanwhile, the thing you are calling a hoax is actually raw footage and this guy talking about it is “proof” of something? I’ll give you pointers: when a video is cut, there is an nterruption.

The implied causation presented with those statistics makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out. Maybe her failed committed relationships taught her valuable life lessons that contributed to the success of her marriage. Maybe her abortion allowed her to finish college and achieve her dreams.

It sounds like Average Anna has a pretty good time until she gets married and has kids.  That was obviously her mistake.

Wow! Thanks for the life lesson, Dad. I never realized that human beings have individual personalities. Thanks for telling me that!

To have power over other people and feel gratified by that power. To participate in a system that is unjust and unfair. To live up to your own self image as a person to be feared rather than someone who is afraid.