
He’s honestly so lucky he didn’t hurt someone or himself. To be so drunk that you pass out behind the wheel of your vehicle is pretty careless.

Rehab only works if you want it to, and judging by how many times he’s done this, he doesn’t want help. He seems like he likes this.

Yep. Don’t even hesitate. Could honestly save a life or multiple lives.

I’ve never been able to understand how someone can get behind the wheel being like this. I’m with you on the fact that I’ve maybe been a beer or two over in my college days, but haven’t even thought about driving after a few drinks since. Just some people don’t care honestly. Just blows my mind. How hard is it to get

He honestly is lucky he didn’t get shot. Kept moving his hands after they repeatedly told him to keep them on the steering wheel. All it would’ve taken was for him to make an abrupt move or a reach with his hands and he most likely would’ve been shot.

I once got rear ended by a drunk driver that was probably about as drunk as this. He was in a truck and hit an SUV behind me which caused that SUV to hit me and pushed my trunk all the way into my back seat. The guy was visibly intoxicated and was struggling to speak clearly, but because he was white, the cops just