
Sparkling unicorn urine.

When I was a kid, I loved dresses. As an adult, I still love them. Went to the top of Whistler on a ski lift in one (summer). Hell, farm ladies used to probably tend fields in dresses. Maids definitely used to maid in a dress.

First they came for r/StarTrek, and I did not speak out—because I was not subscribed to r/StarTrek...

Dude. I watched like 6 episodes of Fixer Upper in a row right after the election in an effort to numb bad feelings, when suddenly, it hit me: Chip and Jo DEFINITELY voted for Trump. End Marathon/Resume Panic.

you forgot the rest of the world mate.... thats just the home crowd

It’s both mentioned and linked. And I wrote a piece about it on Thanksgiving.

The problem is, several of the moderation teams on the subreddits to which you subscribe are probably deleting comments from T_D members daily, having to try desperately to keep out the noise that invariably spills out of the Donald subreddit community (meaning T_D and all of the other subreddits run by the same

So you dispute what this article says? I don’t use reddit at all, but I could see a popular subreddit to be used as a platform for harassment...

Reddit touted themselves forever as the place to go to be able to say whatever you wanted. I seriously wonder... What did they really expect? Objectivity? For everyone to just get along?

The Donald sub is using tactics that break the site rules. Otherwise redditors are notoriously self policing

I will not stop posting this in regards to this issue. Reddit refuses to show them the door when they have all the right to do so. This is getting ridiculous.

Trump makes everything worse.

Anonymous internet political banter turned sour, vitriolic, and disruptive. Color me shocked. SHOCKED.

so... like... the real world.

Logan’s dad had a sniper take Rory out. The end.

Loved it!!!! I am not down with all the hate. Of course it isn’t realistic! I don’t want it to be. I like the escape from my life. The fact that Rory is taken care of by so many people is a luxury I wish I had, which is why I like it.

The Life and Death Brigade dancing, the entirely too long musical, there were several times where I was just like—-we only have 6 hours together and this is how you want to spend it?!

True but don’t pity Richard. Man left his child in a steamer trunk while he went to Croatia!

>Was Gigi Hadid’s Melania Trump impression “racist”? Maybe! All I know for certain is that it was they are both terrible.