River Kleenex

The weird thing is that the NFL would never let Trump own bankrupt a team.

Goodell and his inner circle are probably the most inept bunch of shitheads ever to run a major US business.

$30 for the knowledge to turn it.

Funny. When Delonte West was on the team it was James’ mom who was head coach.

Missed a 2? You’re thinking of Nick Young.

Oh no. Now that marriage may not work out.

I dnt play them games

Marty McSorley was arrested for virtually the same thing, like almost two decades ago.

He was concussed. No question. Wasn’t intentional. I know hockey. Believe me. I know. I watch the best hockey.

So. Much. Salt.

The Royals met Noah at his office. For some reason, he didn’t show up.

Bernier feels terrible about spitting on Mandela, one of his favorite athletes of all time.

NFL is in the business of selling that they are making the game of football safer at all levels—it is smoke and mirrors but they are masters of smoke and mirrors...The NHL has never been in the business of trying to make the game safer at all levels and we have never tried to sell the fact that this is who we are...

Of course Bettman would be purposefully punning in these emails. sigh.


We’re going to have fantastic, yuuuuuge moose legs thrown onto the biggest, coldest, iciest sheets of ice you’ve ever seen. It’s going to be great!

Let me know how President Trump works out for ya.

Get it together, Canada.

That poor moose. Trust me, I know all about the struggles of living with three legs.

But he is right. There is a vocal set of people who are committed to “believing survivors/accusers” based on nothing other than the fact that they have accused someone of sexual assault. This describes many commenters here on Jezebel. It ignores any interest in finding the actual truth and is a bananas way of going