River Kleenex

NFL football

Football sucks

most hated artist of all time?

Why is Kanye ruining his career? Is he trying to become the most infamous person of all time?

Oh my god, shut up

Truthfully, every time you see this you just want to plant a fist into Drew’s face, am I right?

How long before I can fairly conclude that Trevor Noah sucks as host of the Daily Show? Like, is the honeymoon over? Can we talk about this now or is it too soon?

This seems like a really cruel thing to do to these young players, until you remember they have only a few years left to live.

Tears be gone.

Rio Olympics motto:

The IOC would feel really bad about this, but in their defense, the bribes were exceptionally large.

True, but I'd bet the US still has at least a 2:1 asshole ratio over Canada.

Just dropping in to make the periodic observation that Calgary uses the old Atlanta Flames logo as their alternate captain patch, and it’s awesome.

If you watch the video and don’t think he is obviously concussed you watched the wrong video. And team doctors did diagnose him with a concussion the next day. The nhl is suspending a player because nhl doctors took two days to figure out the player was concussed.

In the meantime, China has infused all Apple devices with a small charge that can be remotely detonated, enabling China to exterminate all hipsters, tech-savvy baby boomers, and all of Gawker media.

There’s a highlight truther questioning this post in the video clip that the post is based on. This is apex highlight truthery.

My favorite part is the Devils announcer beginning to explain how “there’s a nerve” in your calf that would make you jump three feet in the air a second after being slashed.

What’s going on is that somebody is wrong.

You're not wrong, but it was this very site who called Peverley "The most Hockey dude ever" on Monday evening. Isn't this contributing to the "hockey tough" BS?