
I guess he was the White Power Ranger all along, huh.

It’s a very strange situation. You’d think even if you did poop in the bathtub somehow, you’d clean it up, it wouldn’t be terribly difficult. In this case it seems like he’d have to not only not clean it up at the time, but then like, leave the room so housekeeping could find it.

So many are against CC and their AI stuff and say its off topic. It shows you never watched their videos then as they said AI is part of being a visual effects artists. It’s another tool for people in the field to use. Lets face it, the hate just comes from boomer type minded people who don’t like progress.

this is what happened to me in evil dead i was always winning as demon in the beginning until people figured out how to group up

Technology evolves, for good and bad, in video games as well as everything else.

Reminder that AI is racist because whatever it trains on is racist and you can’t really escape that on the Internet.

Damn. Thanks for the link.

we literally don’t own our games on most of the platforms. this has been a big debate for a long time. why even join this conversation if you have NO clue what's really going on.

In the case of digital games, actually no, its licensed to you

Yes it currently has 1 user with 69 million alt accounts.

Like the Skyrim mod The Forgotten City? That actually went from mod to full stand alone game.

I’m just going to say what we’re all thinking.

Jesus christ, I don’t care if you want to waste thousands of dollars on digital nothing, but do you have to be so fucking smug about it?

Leave it to Jeff Bezos’ MMO to shut down transfers of wealth.

So people are willing to give their ID and be limited to one GPU per 30 days, but not to wear a mask to enter Walmart or show proof of vaccination to eat at Applebee’s? Fuckers.