
Than play against her with a character with a shield, who can block all attacks from all directions.

She isn’t overpowered, she is just annoying. It’s true that she likely rubs people the wrong way. But while her light attacks are pretty fast, they do very small amounts of damage, and have very short range. But people panic when they’re being hit by barrage of attacks. Instead of just trying to disengage, and take

I’ve never been really into the whole RTS scene, but I kinda wonder why they’re remastering Starcraft, and not Warcraft, since it’s been a lot longer since they’ve done anything with that brand as a RTS, and Starcraft already has a modern version. Heck, I always wondered why they didn’t just make a new Warcraft, since

Man, Sonic really sold out. Not that I blame him, gotta pay for those Chilidogs some how, and it’s gonna be a bit before his next game comes out. And who knows if this one is going to be a dud or not.

Wow, that trailer really does just summarize the entire movie.

You talk as if Prey was a well established game series. It was a single game, that was just kinda ok. I bet most people don’t even remember it all that well.

Exactly. Hopefully this game doesn’t end up a half baked buggy mess though. Doesn’t look like there is any gimmicks, which is always welcome.

Although I would kill for Sonic Team to bring back the Chao Garden. That’s one gimmick I could get behind.

Looks good so far... No signs of any stupid gimmick. Now I’ll cross my fingers, and hope the game isn’t a buggy mess.

If you’re that averse from spoilers, why the hell are you even reading an article about the game?

Don’t forget when Prompto fell off the train. The could probably craft a grand adventure for him for the time he was MIA.

Well, one of the advantages for developing a game on Console is that it’s a lot easier to optimize. Kinda helps when you know everyone will be playing on exactly the same hardware. Would they have to downgrade the graphics much? I imagine a game as old as Tera should work fine on current gen consoles. I know it had

Hopefully it works fine on Consoles.

Really happy to hear this. I remember trying to game, and liking it, but my computer not being able to run it well.

You can, actually.

Gotta go fast.

I’m not completely sure how the faction war works behind the curtain, but I’m notice that it has been very back and forth from all three sides. One day the Knights are winning, than the Samurai, than the Vikings. I’m actually getting the impression that the game is programmed to give which ever faction is falling

His comment on that in the video is that he dares them to try. He was actually fairly lenient towards Digital Homicide, choosing not to counter sue. Mainly because the guy doesn’t have any money to sue for at this point, so it would be a waste of time. But he said if anyone tries this on him again, he won’t hold back

This kinda reminds me of when I played Morrowind, I would put my character into water inside one of the towns, and have him swim endlessly into a corner by having the stick held down with a rubberband. I’d have him swim endlessly overnight, and he’d be max Athletics by the next day. I than could zip, and jump at hyper

The way it handles putting you into a match is pretty annoying too. Often it tries to put me into a match that is full, and when it can’t, it gives me an error, and boots me back to the menu, making me have to re-queue multiple times. Damnit, if a match is full, don’t put me in that match, find a new one. Stop booting

For the most part, yeah. I think some classes, you might be able to just barely see it through the eyes of their helmet, but for most of them, not at all.