
Best/only sub 5k sleeper I could find on ebay:


Yeah, coming from a poor family, I hated science fair. It always felt like a reminder that my family can’t afford all the arts & craft supplies, nor do I have parents with a nice career to help me out.

I love the use of the royal “we.”

Yawn, I’m 29 and made this

Man, I miss Tyler actually understanding what he was writing about…

Now make me a mod to control the crew of The Belafonte from the Life Aquatic.

Can't pay enough for arm strength, I always say.

Wow, no one has had a life that easy since Catherine the Great.

John Kasich is that guy one step above you on the corporate ladder who seems like a good mentor so you go out for drinks with him one day after work and he lays out his theory on ‘the blacks’ until you pretend your wife just called with a baby emergency.

Kasich is like that guy at work who seems like a reasonable human being when you meet him, but then later you find out he’s some weird masochism fetishist who likes being stung in the balls by jellyfish.

The Mini doesn’t have to win. Just has to wait long enough for the Mustang to be distracted by a crowd.


Mad props for that top shot Andrew. You’re doing God’s work.

You are right. Since we’ve built the A10, we have invented GPS systems, drones, highly accurate guided missiles, laser designation pods and a host of other technical capabilities that technically change the potential for providing CAS.

Probably the hospital.

I’m pretty sure this is just Wes’ way of reminding us that he’s dating a supermodel.

Well played sir.