
I actually got off work around 10:00 pm and stayed up until about 2:00 am watching that movie one Monday night in 2001. The next morning was 9/11. I felt guilty that piece of shit was the last bit of pop culture I watched before the attack.

Up until about three weeks ago I would have said Paul Blart 2. Although to be fair I didn't see the first one so perhaps I didn't grasp the subtle nuance of the humor.

Or that Cam gets a job as an assistant football coach at an FCS school after coaching a mediocre high school football team that apparently only lasts through the summer before the season starts.

I am sure someone pointed this out already, but last year when Chris Rock was the host All five black actors in the cast performed in the recurring How's Obama doing sketch along with Rock.

He was very good as the ex-con who terrorized Olivia Benson on SVU and he was good last night on the Brink on HBO.

I think Pennsatucky telling Big Boo lickin' gravy boats is kind of your thing is one of the greatest euphemisms for cunnilingus I have ever heard. Also as a 40 year white guy, I am not that familiar with the music of 2 Chainz but that song Boo they played at the end when Suzanne tried to cuddle with Taystee is a great

I was kind of hoping instead of Lester dying either of hypothermia or drowning, they he was arrested and extradited back to Minnesota from Montana. He is sentenced to prison and is cellmate is Jerry Lundegaard, now in his 70's complete with a William H. Macy cameo.

unless they add time for perjury and obstruction of justice. I was wondering how they were going to cover the whole attempted murder of Pennsatucky but it thought it was creative the way they did it.

Was I the only one that thought Figueroa would end up as an inmate at Litchfield? But I suppose she got her proper come-uppance so to speak.

Are you doing Little Wayne?

Ironically, Chaz is probably the hot beauty queen in prison now.

I am just wondering why Cutler was so sure Harry would vote with him. Yes, he was responsible for getting Harry the partnership, but Harry obviously has some loyalty to Don because he told him about the Commander Cigarettes meeting.

Has Thornton done an accent in a role since Sling Blade? Usually, he just uses his regular voice, as far as I can remember.

or Jerry Lundegaard (William H. Macy's character in the movie)

I love the looks both Gus and Molly give to their clueless bosses, like "I can't believe i have to work for this idiot"

I thought when Collier was first introduced Finch mentioned his first name and said it was the name of a Revolutionary War spy. I could be wrong, but I thought every member of Vigilance had a code name of an American Spy.

so this episode had to take place sometime between Valentine's Day and July 1969, probably April or May because baseball season had started and the weather was somewhat warm. And yet, people talked about the moon landing like it was something far in the future. I was born in 1975, so I am asking because I don't know.

I was watching Pioneers of Television on PBS a couple of weeks ago. It was about stand-up comedians who became sitcom stars. Bob Newhart was on it and talking about the first time Larry, Darryl, and Darryl appeared. Originally they were supposed to be one off characters, but the live audience at the taping reacted so

I would love for Dan Castellaneta and John Hodgman to guest host on All Things Considered for a week in character.

I am just curious, when I was watching last night they showed more than 5 minutes of Parenthood right after the opening credits, and Community didn't return until Abed was handcuffed to the filing cabinet. I was just wondering if that happened nationally or if it was my local Oklahoma City affiliate. I was a little