
To be fair it is easier not to be jingoistic when it comes to cross country skiing/biathlon because the US isn't very good at those events. It would sound ridiculous to get excited about the 19th place finisher.

SPOILER (but not really if you are paying attention)

Only if he plays Al Swearengen's great great great grandson.

I actually can't believe Adam Sandler or Jim Carrey hasn't made Red Light, Green Light yet.

Isn't Honey, If you love me…. the plot to How to Lose a Guy in 10 days, that shitty Kate Hudson movie?

"We know that, you judgmental bitch!" might be Shirley's funniest line ever.

I think Shaw has a special attachment to kids because her father was killed when she such a young age, for example, with the little Russian girl from a few episodes ago. Shaw knew Fusco could probably take care of himself, but the kid couldn't.

I just watched the last 3 episodes today. I really don't think Pennsatucky was a believer until she saw all of her fans in the court room. I mean she was a meth head who had 5 abortions, and the thought of quitting drugs was a hilarious joke to her and her boyfriend. She seemed skeptical when the lawyer first

I have watched 4 episodes so far and it is really good. Jason Biggs making an American Pie reference when he told Piper he told her everything about himself ("the webcam horror, the penis shaving incident") made me laugh. The comparisons to OZ are apt, especially the flashbacks.  

Take this disk print up the documents fill them out and meet me in the steam room. "Where the hell am i going to find a computer that I can use this?" That whole sequence made me laugh. 

Bela Lugosi in Plan 9 from Outer Space. Although that movie has become almost a cult classic in the "so bad it's good" category

I disagree, some of the best characters on TV are really awful people. Cartman, Sheldon Cooper (granted, not his fault if you believe he has Asperger's Syndrome), almost any character on GCB, Barney on HIMYM, Peter Griffin, Russell on Rules of Engagement, etc. Yet we still watch those shows, even though it isn't clear

Who comes out of the fictional closet first, Raj on Big Bang Theory or Cartman? Raj -1000 Cartman +800

he had a beer in the beginning of that scene. looked like a Sam Adams, I believe.

So, if this episode takes place in October 1963, and the promos for the next episode say it will shock everyone, does Kate Cameron, Sky Spy kill Kennedy? That would certainly be a twist.