
Or very small ones. Or very long ones.

Statue? Have you never heard of taxidermy?

Also a dog, a cat, a hamster, a bunny rabbit, a frog...

I like Ike.

Of course there was plenty of nuance and most of the Germans werent rabid Nazis, and of course the Allies also commited war crimes.

The same bigots who fought the war later passed the tremendous civil righs legislation of the 1950s and 60s.

There's been a lot of change over the years, though. Many, if not most, of the big industrial families of the last 2 centuries are descended from ordinary people, and during the middle ages well-to families would typically only maintain their affluence for only a few generations. The only people who really have been

Maybe they keep on trying to undo the wars but find that the societal conditions of those times made war inevitable. Maybe they saved Franz Ferdinand and killed Hitler, but they didn't do anything about the next pre-WW1 crisis and they didn't make thw Germans any less pissed and susceptible to Nazi dictators.

In the year 2040 when holograms finally become mainstream all the 70 year-olds are going to say "help me Obi-wan, you're my only hope" and laugh and everyone younger will roll their eyes.

Umm, Nixon meets Elvis?

With all this cheap computing around, I really am surprised we don't have dollarama ebook readers yet that can read basic textfiles. For a device like that you would need less computing power than we had 30 years ago.

Funny how nearly all thematic maps of the US have that straight-down divide in the middle.

I'd say it's somewhere around Lake Erie - no earthquakes, hurricanes, and forest fires, not too many blizzards.


I wonder how people will think of these interfaces in say, 40 years. If this is or has been mainstream tech by then people might not even notice its futuristic or visionary, sorta how when you see complex shots in old movies and it doesn't register how difficult that shot was to make.

Wasn't that just Graham Bell and Mr. Burns?

This is just one long-lasting neon light out of the many thousand that did not last nearly as long. Chances are at least one of new-fangled LED lights will also see 77 years, even if 99.999% of them don't.

Hmm. No sound of an old radio, a movie projector, an old car motor, a type-writer, a telegraph machine, a (real) telephone operator, a phonograph? Don't the adults of today also want to be taught the sounds of yesteryear? Or is it only the children of the digital world who are ignorant?

Oh, that was by some fellow called "Matt Honan". This one's by Jesus Diaz. Doesn't Jesus Diaz outrank Matt Honan? Bye bye Matt Honan, then.

Apple has become just another tech company arady, only about 8 months since his passing? I didn't get the memo.