
At the same time many of iOS's, er, "skeumorphs," like the old TV icon, the leather looking calendar, and the date-changing dials, have been obsolete for decades and even old people can't be used to them anymore.

Are you supposed to be that hose in your mouth?

I've read about this tech before. Some designers speculate that they could be used to create electronic road systems that would make self-driving cars safer and more accurate. This doesn't have to be Orwellian tech.

There are plenty of people who would be interested in buying historical machines.

Or "who's going to think this fake iPhone air conditioner is cool?"

Hmm. On the one hand this is hardly the first reverse-screen video. On the other hand, this video does look different somehow. Hmm.

Personally I'm only ashamed of books with cheesy cover art, ie, virtually all fantasy, sf, or YA books out there.

No no, its the covers that are stupid.

Well haven't the Simpsons been done by the same voice actors since about 1986?

Now all you need is a mobile spoon that stirs with the motion of the water to stop everything from bunching in the middle.

I'm guessing its the responsibility of however's able to control it.

Speak for yoursef. I expect to live into the 2080s.

Why do you need imagination to create and manufacture a giant touchscreen? They've been in our culture for years.

Now playing

Doesn't surprise me at all. Remember Microsoft's concept video for 2019? An 80-inch tablet appearing in 2012 is right on schedule.

I'm sure dad would be very happy with the school. "I just came from an important meeting. What's my daughter done?" "Oh, she was using an iPod".

It's looking like those wacky 1960s predictions of regular space travel by the year 2000 were only about 30 years too optimistic.

A tad homophobic, though. It also obscures the wonderful pleasures of sucking cock.

"For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" sounds a bit silly and implausible. Don't forget that most fuckers of 1800s England couldn't read, and even if they did they were probably not sophisticated enough to use acronyms.

Interesting then that "vagina" and "breast" aren't swearwords.

I wonder if you could play Bach on this?