
You should have read Marie Stopes' 1918 bestseller "Married Love". It's suggestions that sex is good for marriage and that husband and wives should be equal partners was profoundly influential.

They still use glass ketchup bottles? What is this, 1933?

Damn I was about to complain. Way to go setting up my reaction as stupid before I even get to express it!

How about the huge mistake Edison made by trying to control the use of film cameras in the early 20th Century, forcing film makers to move their operations to Hollywood where they would be free from his cronies?

If you're in the bathroom anyway can't you just throw it in the toilet? I don't smoke and haven't been in an airplane toilet in a very long time, so I'm genuinely curious.

Kinda Girl Guide swastika-ish.

One of those mercury ball dealies that people use to measure flatness?

It's interesting what lengths Apple went through to shape people's relationships to their devices. For me there would never be any question about which end is the right one, because I've grown up with computers and I recognize these things instinctively.

Ships ships ship ship ships

I listen to music when I travel (~1 hour a day).

Thank you! I was wondering why I had never heard anyone talk about these services.

Yes, exactly. If these companies catered to the ways in which people actually consume media then I'm sure piracy would drop off. Me for example, I watch a lot of old TV show on youtube. Legally I have no other avenue for watching these shows. The only legal option would be to shill 40$ to buy a season DVD set and wait

I wonder what its going to be like to manage your facebook account over many decades. This article suggests that we should weed out people we don't know anymore, and yet one of Facebook's main appeal is that it allows you to contact people you haven't seen in years.

Firefox is so 2007.

Seen any thestrals?

Actually it was punctuation and not a spelling mistake.

No, the rocket looks like a giant metal penis all on its own.

Could those measures have saved the Challenger, or even Columbia?