
That Italians were “not considered white” is a highly specific scenario in just the United States, in just the early 20th century. It’s a useful tool in certain contexts, but probably not the global Jesus debate.

Sounds like perfect weather for a prestigious quadrennial soccer tournament!

Hey Jimmy, don’t you have late-night monologues to laugh read? 

and is commonly called the “Peacock Network”.”

Also, wow, who knew so many people working for NBC Universal were commenters on this site? 

Cock TV

I have Netflix and I signed up for Disney+ using that Disney23 offer. I also have Amazon Prime but I don’t watch much on it - it’s just an add-on to the real reason I have Prime - free 2-day shipping. I think all the rest will be background noise. I may give them all a year to get their content up to snuff and then

I grew up comfortable, as they say. My mother is from Guatemala. I may not know what life was like in the hood, or what its like to be poor, but I do know what its like to see your mother being refused service because she must be “somone’s puerto rican maid” Not to compare one thing to another, but people can have

People who go to IKEA for hide and seek aren’t going to be buying shit. WHat they will do is break a bunch of merchandise. 

I harbor no sympathy for Lyft/Uber. If a business can’t pay its employees a living wage and give benefits it is NOT a valid business model. It is exploitation, simple as that.

I drove Lyft until they stopped paying drivers their proper percentage of the surge they were charging passengers. $20 to me on a $100 ride is when we parted ways. All I wanted was a fair rate and 80% of the gross that isn’t fluctuating because some computer says it should. All that other stuff about benefits, fuel

Each season I begged for the obnoxious Belgian to arrive so the locked-room murder mystery could start, but it never, ever did. We almost got there with Bates, but not quite. Make due with Gosford Park until Knives Out, I guess.


Futurama had a great second life on Comedy Central and a satisfying finale. Leave it alone, and don’t get greedy.

Yes but then Will Smith will come back for the third one

“Could you possibly be any more self-righteous, condescending and humorless? “

I mean, I definitely could?

I did enjoy your 3 paragraph screed about why i’m a terrible person for actively seeking out a relationship with a like-minded person instead of “Egads, I need to be embaressed/hide what I love!”, but OK, friendo.

I’m sorry you sucked at marriage.

Alternately, instead of settling for someone who doesn’t tolerate you passions, you seek out a relationship with a fellow geek/nerd so you don’t need to ‘hide’ what you love.

My partner & I’s classic gaming collection lives on full display in our in the livingroom, and my prodigious anime figure/toy collection shares

The reveal about Rey’s backstory is absolutely the most satisfying answer they could have possibly given us, precisely because it’s unsatisfying to Rey.

Lol. You not knowing the colloquialism “the future we were promised” doesn’t make it less valid.