
I disagree. iPhones are in fact a lot more capable and valuable than regular phones, so it makes sense to specify you have one if you're talking about how you've lost it or are surfing on it. Other smartphone brands are too obscure for regular-type folks to use in conversation.

Once at my restaurant someone accidentally left their iPhone in the garbage and paid my manager 50$ to find it in the dumpster.

That's plausible, but we don't know if she posted pics without the hat. I seriously doubt that a professional photographer would have even taken hatless pics, anyways.

Facebook has nearly a billion users, which gives it tremendous business potential even if at the moment it relies upon ads most people ignore.

Those towels work really well. Had me fooled for a mo'.

He's saying that TEDtalks should post videos online like publishing houses print books - they should choose the videos with the best ideas and weed out the partisan, badly-argued clunkers.

Well, isn't politics the method in which the gov't debates and enacts different agendas, such as those espoused at the TEDtalks? This has a great deal to do with politics.

I agree that it wasn't a great causative event and that the article's use of it is shallow, but at the same time I tend to think of recent history as before 9/11 and after 9/11. It is important, and it may very well have had more influence on our culture than we yet realize.

This isn't real history, its a modern subculture appropriating a historical figure. Saying he's a geek is like saying that Alexander the Great was gay.

Now playing

Think of the possibilities of TVs with this kind of resolution, though! A TV with this kind of resolution would be able to display multiple images, allowing a TV to do many more tasks at a time. Look at this youtube clip. This kind of tech would be useless on a HDTV because it wouldn't be able to display the objects

I figure a TV that can display 8k probably would have about the same pixel density as a PC monitor. retina television indeed, if you stand even a foot or so away.

I disagree with that chart - you could indeed tell when displays have inferior resolution. My local metro system has recently installed electronic ads with displays roughly equivalent to a HD TV, and believe me, even looking at those displays on the opposite side of the station, its resolution is still obviously

Making offense comments about thin people is like making offensive comments about straight white men.

What was wrong with win95?

According to Wiki about 80% of all births occur within two weeks of the nine-month end date, which makes the period from the 23rd of sept to the 7th of Oct surprisingly weak. People seem to be more interested in procreatin' in the days before x-mas and NYD than during those holidays themselves.

Maybe we should all collectively arrange our birthdates to make an image on this chart.

My oldest sister was born august 7th, my middle sister was born 5 months (and 2 years) later on january 5th, and I was born 3 months (and 2 years) later on april 3rd.

Feb 14 doesn't seem very busy.

I wonder if there's a correlation between success in life and month of birth. I mean, if you have a kid who's older than zis classmates ze's more likely to do better academically, and if ze's more likely to do well academically ze's more likely to get encouragement from teachers and parents, which would set zer on a

I wonder if there's a correlation between success in life and month of birth. I mean, if you have a kid who's older than zis classmates ze's more likely to do better academically, and if ze's more likely to do well academically ze's more likely to get encouragement from teachers and parents, which would set zer on a