
I wonder if the predictive success of the 39 world's fair inspired the 1950s -era future opti ism. The lastbig prediction had come near perfectly, so it seemed that modern predictions would too.

Indeed, that PC could pass as modern.

Doesn't LOL have an ambiguous meaning? Its not a matter of it 'really' meaning anything.

I wonder if any kid who gets this would be disappointed by how unrealistic they are. I mean, characters in kid's drawings have weird faces and weird arms because the kids just don't know how to draw, not because they're actually supposed to look weird.

How cheap would a teeny tiny solar panel be and would it collect enough energy to power this?

Maybe they are saying that the medical tech of 1999, if available to the average person throughout their life, would allow people to live up to the age of 135 and still be 'young' at 90.

It's a great compliment to an artist if their likeness is so believable even facial recognition tech is fooled.

The Empire was not overtly evil. Notice that its mentioned in the video that the Imperial Senate has 'just' been disbanded, about twenty years after the end of the republic. For most of its existence it seems that the Empire operated as much as possible within the old republican conventions.

The Empire was not overtly evil. Notice that its mentioned in the video that the Imperial Senate has 'just' been disbanded, about twenty years after the end of the republic. For most of its existence it seems that the Empire operated as much as possible within the old republican conventions.

Either that laser isn't very powerful or sci-fi movies have misinformed me about laser power.

Actually the day homosexuality is accepted is the day the minimum standard of living in the world is equivalent to what we enjoy in the West. First you make people affluent, then you give them causes.

I also think that Obama will probably be re-elected and Romney's a bit too wacko.

Again with that sheep analogy.

Maybe the stars were the lights from the other end, shaped for some reason not according to their actual geography.

Die-sel? Oh, the jeans.

The skull's probably a momento mori. Artists used to insert skulls in their artwork to remind viewers of death.

Don't hold your breath. If you're in your 20s now there's a good chance that 10-20% of the boomers will still be alive when you retire (~mid 2050s). By then they probably won't be that powerful anymore, of course.

I've always been shocked by how many students in their late teens and early twenties talk about their professors as if they were cuddly animals.

Awesome! I'm 21 and keep everything organized! I'm very concerned with my ability to handle stress! I don't like asking my parents for things! Employers are going to love me! If I learn to stop using exclamation marks!

Funny how nobody seems to hate Gen X anymore, its all against the Boomers and the kids.