
Eh, you may as well buy a farm in the same area and build it up. It wouldn't be too different from living alone in your own town.

The other ships that sank were like ships like the Costa Concordia or a jetliner. Big disasters ,but no name.

Plus, it ended on a cliffhanger ("the ship is going to sink! Dunh-dunh-dunh!").

Is that Windsor?

over 10 years of digital music and NOW you realize you miss flipping through album covers?

Exactly. When I use the internet on my iPad, I get frustrated because its because its just so damned slow- not because the screen is too small or I need a tactile keyboard. Fix the speed problem and I'll never use giz on my PC again.

Yesterday I went to a music recital and read the program and aria lyrics off my iPad. Apply that casual use to innumerable other situations and you get the usefulness of the tablet.

Tablets alone will never replace PCs, but they're part of a cluster of tech that will someday. In 10-15 years, I expect that the current PC-input method will only be used for hard-core writing & data input.


I don't remember modems making noises after you've already coonected. Was it different for BBS?

Yeah, a lot of it looked more like either the blue screen of death or some amateur PC game from the 1980s (ASCII art Google?).

You presumptive, you. What makes you think you'd see a cock in an ass? Anal sex is one of the less-practiced and less-interesting gay sex positions, y'know.

Xtube is da best, Gaytube ok but too much promo material.

I think masturbation also is a no-no under celibacy.

What kind of data would the radio telescope collect? Ultra-detailed photos? Radio frequencies from every square meter of wherever its pointed (whatever that could possibly mean)?

Keep in mind that the students who made these maps were members of an educated minority and were not average people. Go ask the average 19th century American anything and you'll be apalled.

Ditto. If they wanted to find deep religious truth there's plenty to be found in the real world.

It'd be funnier if it had had anything to do with the actual Arby's and had not simply grafted its terminology onto DA.

Spanking usually just makes the kids resentful and prone to violence themselves, and those 200k years had some horrible shit in them.

Weren't there gameboy zombies 20 years ago, too? And TV zombies 50 years ago? And comic book zombies 80 years ago? Nothing new; kids are kids.