
Why was I forced to watch a 30 second ad before I could read this article?

He's been through the freakin' weirdness of looking at the mirror already.

Because there are a ton more crap cell phones than excellent smartphones?

Most of the comments support this man for some reason. Many of them are women, again, for some reason.

I'd like it if some PC-extending functionality (mouse, keyboard, and screen extension apps) came with the thing out of the box and were much smoother & simpler to use. At the moment some apps do that, but it's not very good, esp with the screen extensions.

C'est comme un pays des WASPS. So much for a melting pot, eh?

I'd disagree about the period that has see the most change, in deference to the period between 1850 (horse and carriage; crinolines; life expectancy about 40; print media; limited democracy; not skyscrapers) and 1950 (jets; bikinis; life expectancy about 70; print media, movies, books, recorded music; universal

That looks a bit like the robot from Metropolis.

Oh? SimpSONS you say? Would that be the SimpSOHNS, SimpSUNS, or SIMPSAUNS?

I don't know how the iPad was used in the show, but shouldn't Mr. b have actually used a heavable telegraph/telephone/radio/typrinter/microfilm printing press cum silent film projector, and be really surprised that his device was outdated?

Academic writing in general is just too dense. Take any given sentence and rewrite it with normal language, and you'd get a new paper all on its own.

Well, don't trees take care of themselves without gardeners?

Um, shouldn't those kids be only about 50 and Darth Vader about 70 now?

Is this a reference to Blackadder?

This chart is too simplistic. They shouldn't just look at the 7 year period after a product was introduced, they should also have looked at the 7 year period after certain milestones in that products development. For TV, for example, if you were to check the data and see that TV was first introduced in about 1930 and

Colour TV was introduced in about 1953 and until 1965 hardly anything was broadcast in colour. there wouldn't have been much point in even buying one until then.

Well, the problem with those devices is that they were introduced when most people didn't even have electricity yet, so its not comparable.

When bluray replaces DVD drives I think it will only be when physical media is no longer used regularly, and it will just become the standard optical drive because by that point it will be super cheap, anyways.

Roseanne's still a Celeb!

Is this an example of a new form of satire that behaves like what it denounces, as it denounces, and is identifiable on the Internet?