
Does safari crash everytime you try to play a video on giz? does it load painfully slowly? Does the page get unresponsive? Does safari crash over nothing even, on Giz?I've had the same problem for months, assumingly cuz I'm using the iPad 1 and the latest iOS isn't very friendly with it.

I work as a cashier. It's ok, I don't think anyone's ever complained to me about waiting, even when there've been massive screw ups and they've been in line for 10 minutes.

What would happen if the images moved faster? Would they retain the 3D effect while looking more stable?

What would happen if the images move faster? Would they look more stable while retaining the 3D effect?

Maybe they're anticipating future devices, like mini MS-Surfaces.

Its not a matter of preferences. How could you have a preference for "high-end gaming" on an OS that doesn't even have 'high end games', and probably never will, because this computer is so expensive it will never develop a user base large enough to attract developers? It's just not viable as anything more than niche

I dont get it. Why would anyone buy a 2000$ gaming PC that uses a OS noone uses anymore, ad why would it be called "high end gaming" if none of the real high end games can be played on it?

You mean 2006?

Well, duh, he has wings.

It's wonderfully convenient for me, though, whether 2040 or 2060.

I was thinking of the London times.

Paywalls are horrible marketing. Me, I get most of my news through Google news, and over the years I've developed an idea of the major papers of the English world, what's good, what's important, what's junk, etc. If a paper isn't on google news then I unconsciously think less of it, if I even know it exists. If ever I

In the future I don't think consumers are really going to care about OSes. My kids are going to grow up taking for granted that all computers are fast and stable and could display high-quality videos, pics, and near-photorealistic video games. Why would they even care what kind of computer they're using if it's always

This is positively 19th century.

Indeed. I have trouble imagining a shih-tzu living in the backyard.

No, the last one should have just have a tiny pathetic wick.

It had a profound cultural impact; many people who were alive at the time grouped it with WWI as the marker of the end of a long 19th century.

I remember those. To those who were adults in 1999, were those controversial, btw? They should have been.

Are there children?

That was a stupid manager to keep it on the same shelf.