
I personally understood it perfectly well. If it's ill-written and idiotic its only because it expresses a worldview that's different from what you're used to.

Indeed, she shouldn't be wearing a hoopdress. That's what I don't like about steampunk - its so ahistorical and completely bypasses the real Vics in preference for cogs and goggles. A few weeks ago we saw REAL Victorian soft porn here on io9, and it was nothing like this.

Actually, the Victorians tended to marry in their mid 20s and later. Its only in the 20th century that women were expected to be preggers at 21.

How can anyone older than 19 think this is acceptable?

Someone else's comment has got me thinking - if digital eye glasses get developed, what do you think will happen to traditional PCs? If everyone has these digital eyes glasses and they're all connected to an augmented-reality network, you'd be able to create docs on your glasses and have them visible to other ppl,

The physical controller buttons would get annoying for us non gamers, and the virtual screening probably wouldn't work so well. the iPad Google Earth operates on about the same principal (you tilt the thing to tilt the screen), and it's very bad input.

2015 is looking like the next big year right now.

You and I share pretty much the same future wish-list, and luckily, computing probably will turn in this direction within the next 20 years. I'd like to see more convergence between devices today, though - It would be great to use the iPad to complement PCs, as, say, a screen dedicated to windows explorer.

I'm a youngster and neither can I focus on things close to my eye. I've always wondered how ppl are able to see with things like this. I have noticed that light reflected on my glasses are usually very clear, so maybe this tech does that instead.

So, if another asteroid thingie were to hit the moon, it would develop orange lava spots?

Well lets see, I haven't read the book since I was 14, 6 years ago, so my memory's a little rusty, but I seem to recall there was a boy who had images of male genetalia on his computer, there was a ton of walking around naked in the dormitories, Ender was beat in the shower and I think the ppl who beat him may have

As a stupid person, i don't understand those reviews. they're written too skrewily.

Think what you will of loght pollution, but it makes for great population density maps.

The book isn't pronographic but much of it is fairly homoerotic. Perhaps the student is struggling with something related?

What an encouraging article. I try to write myself, and a lot of times when I find problems with my work it's about the same basic issues that are here. Seems I'm at least on the right track :)

There's a different between watching TV and reading a book.

Well lets see, a good hardcover reference book costs 50-100 $, in the encyclopedia there would have been 20+ such books, so yeah, actually, they were.

Or maybe Britannica could just license its info to wiki, though I guess wiki wouldn't be able to afford it.

When I was in elementary school ten years ago we scoured encyclopedias on CDROM (well, I did) or other valid internet sources that the teacher would provide use. We never used paper encyclopedias at all, they've been irrelevant for years upon years now. we ain't in the turn of the century no more.

I'm surprised that so many people here actually watch TV. I'm a university student right now, and its become a cliche that people of my generation don't use actual TV sets any more, and I'd figured that about the same would apply to people born after about 1977 (especially if they're tech-inclined). Giz must be