
I remember when people used to talk about "chat rooms"; I wonder if this is what they meant. To be honest I don't think I've ever seen one ever in my life, besides 4chan I guess.

Why not just use a mechanical machine? I mean, dispensers have existed since before electricity.

If you want a desktop PC then yes you don't need anything more than XP or 7 etc. However, we do need something more than a desktop model of computing because its just too constraining.

If we had the tech to put displays on credit cards I think they would probably merge with cells.


Well, centrifugal bumble-puppies are also fun, but its still right to judge the society of "Brave New World".

Photographs are hardly ever indicative of contentment etc.

Is this it?

Is this it?

Germany wouldn't have necessarily won WWI, that war was pretty much a stalemate all around. Of all the countries in that war though I'd say Britain actually had the best chance of winning because it had the least domestic issues - Germany and Austria-Hungary had serious food shortages and were pretty much cut of from

I figure eventually tablets will merge with PCs rather than just accessorize with them. When you have a computer that could be inputed with touch, speech, kinect-like gestures, mouse, keyboards, each would inevitably become its own niche.

How is speed relevant for the future? Don't forget Moore's law. The current iPad may not hold a candle to desktop computers today, but it certainly does to desktops of say, 7 years ago, and those were good enough.

I personally don't think the iPad will be the future of computing, but it's pointing towards future trends. In ten years no probably you'll still be using a full on PC for your office, but the form factor will probably be much more fluid & iPad-like than the current keyboard/mouse/1 screen gettup.

I'm assuming that every time they press the button they indicate that a new item is going to be scanned. The tech probably is probably only advanced enough to recognize the type of thing thing being scanned, not it's number.

It would also make it much easier for whoever steals your credit/debit card.

So, before Anon was an idea and now its a family? What does it make it, a theory? An ideology?

It's all in the viewing distance.

Look at any North American city in the forty years before 1972 and you'd see much worse. Look at Latin America and you'll faint.

I always pass the microfilm viewing room in the library at school and I always want to use it.

The ppl in that video seem like insuffurable pricks.