
@Ben Zvan: Yeah, it's waaaay to early to say the Beatles are timeless. Maybe in 2050- let's see what the death of the original fans and 80 years will do to their popularity.

Of course, there are also the super-obscure books from decades upon decades upon centuries ago that not even public libraries have catalogued.

These stunning macro shots of eyes by Suren Manvelyan show detail I don't want to see. Doesn't that eye look disgusting?

@geolemon: I seriously doubt that, by the time touchscreen dj-ing is common, the computing power used by this rig will be in any way significant or cause lags.

@Bosk: It's Post-WWI.

@TouchMyMonkey: There's a British series, 'Electric Dreams', which put a modern family in the 1970s. Apparently, the average Brit back then didn't have a freezer or central heating.

@SenorMoofer: Whatever troubles we have are not on the same scale of the thirties' and forties'. Have the wars in the Middle East forced the government to ration its' citizen's fuel and take their extra ressources, or to conscript all able-bodied men? Has the economic crisis caused 25% unemployment and millions of

@mtfmuffins: Same for me. While I enjoy pop culture from the period, and am very interested in the history, I would not want to live it. The many long-term crises of the period such as the Depression and World Wars would not pleasant, and I depend too much on modern technology.

@SenorMoofer: You don't know what you're saying, and I think if anyone who lived in the era heard you they would snap your head off. You'd want to live in a terrible economic depression and experience war just to avoid a little stress? Please. It might may have been an amazing era, but it's not one that people should

@ikat48: In Canada now, if you rip a disc without breaking DRM software, it's legal apparently. We are so lucky.

Hmm. Apple is on the list, but Microsoft isn't. Now who's the evil corporation?

@ddmcd: It means that The past and Present settings are merged. Those happy tourists in the photos might know that 65 years ago, those spotless sites were the scenes of unspeakable horrors, but they won't really care, because WWII seems so remote. But if they saw exactly what their current location looked like then,

Uhhh, wasn't the biggest picture 26 GP a few months ago? I get that we're living in times of rapid technological change, but c'mon, what are we going to be dealing with in a year? 70 terapixels?

That's HTML 5? I thought there was something odd about the way the pics and webpage were...integrated together.

@I see the light. It burns!: Would you really want to put yourself under the authority of the most repressive regime on the planet?

G @Logos11: Actually, some forms of blindness have been cured.

@DJEsch: Exactly. In 20 years all the kids in their 20s will be nostalgic for the iPhone, and the rest of us will humour them.

What on Earth is a design's 'character' or 'soul' supposed to be? Design can be sleek, or garish, or round, unusual, ugly, ornate, elegant, simplistic, flat, square, complex, boring, colourful, mournful, original, but can't possibly have 'soul'. In this context it has no meaning.

Hmmm. This man must be in his late 70s or early 80s, and yet nobody's yet made a crazy-old-man joke. That's quite an achievement, to be seen at such a late age as just 'a man' and not an irrelevant old man who only has 2 months left.