
@Bryanv2: I am, too. You hate people but love Facebook? Who are your Facebook friends, then? Teddy Bears?

@Hami83: Khadr was a kid when he was arrested.

Why not? Within a few decades, something with the capability of an iPhone will probably be so infinitismally small that it won't even be noticed. So modern electronics will seem quite exotic. Actual, physical devices with great design and extensive 'folk memories' like the iPhone will be prized possesions, like

The iPad Lux US app is virtually unplayable. Everytime I've played it and was about to win, the opponent suddenly got over a 100 armies and conquered every single one of my territories. How could a game with such a stupid element be played more than a few times? There's no point in playing at all, if yoir efforts are

@slipperyskip: Yes, but all electronics weren't wood panelled. There were also grey metal TVs, radios, typewriters, phones and so on. Actually, now that I think about it, the only electronics that were consistently panelled were TVs and maybe radios. Typewriters certainly were never made to look like furniture.

there are video terminals from the 1960s that look very similar to 1980s PCs- in other words, if the PC were invented 20 years earlier, it would have looked like a PC (though I suppose some home models would have had the wood panelling look).

The screen seems pretty low. Those of use wirh nad eyesight would probably have trouble using it.

#1 and #4 are just stupid, because they really are true. Early Apple PCs did have quite an impact on the PC market, and when Jobs returned to the company, he did turn it away from near bankrupcy. Interpreting them seriously as some sort of Apple " Mythology" to be poked fun of is just unfair to the company.

What do you think are the chances that someday we'll actually test these theories on black holes? The risks of flying into one are pretty considerable, and tests using only robots wouldn't give very much info on the effects on the human body.

@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: I suppose the market is isnt't mature enough- people are buying blu-ray because it's HD, not for the storage quantity. Once the price goes down to DVD levels and BR players replace DVD players in stores, then we'll probably see whole seasons on a single disc.

@benjgvps: They were probably embarassed to host such tacky websites in 2009. But tney still should have kept Geocities, as a wacky 'historical' archive.

@Ockham: I'm sure you would prefer Weston or Adams- because their photos are art, not because they were made with film. Look, I never said that 'old tech' was bad, I said that the 'new tech' is better and it's silly to not to switch. Kodachrome film made great pictures, and so did other film processes. But digital

The old technology is now obsolete, say your goodbyes, and move on. It was great in its' day, but now we have a new one, and it's certainly better. Sure, you're feeling nostalgic, and don't want to change, but the world will, and has, and soon enough, it won't even remember your beloved tech ever existed. It's a new

@Zen Master: Well, there was a lot of coverage last year. You can't expect the media to cover every anniversary.

@C3PA: Not to mention genetic research. I mean c'mon, what is that? Finding links between genes and disease only a few years after the genome was mapped? Pff.

Device-legs are so shickingly obvious I'm surprised I've never seen them before.

The Canadianisms mentioned in the comment section aren't nearly as mainstream as you'd think. At least, they're not relevant to the Urban Canadians, who are of course the only ones who matter :), and are probably the most likely to use Netflix.

You know, the tech in Minority Report is starting to seem a bit tame. I mean, its about as advanced as the tech used in those MS Office 2019 videos.

What's so special about a white iPhone? from the pictures it looks so...homemade. The contrast between the darkness of the screen and the lightness of the frame is jarring. With the black iPhone, the screen looks like it's floating in this super-sleek abyss.