Carson Daly looks like Huckleberry Hound

Me too! On my way down to Hell’s Kitchen from midtown, I keep my Prada and Fendi bags neatly tucked under my Gulfstream G50.

I’m Anita Sarkeesian, and I find all these graphic depictions of Black Widow sexist and objectifying. The enhancement of her breasts and hips is a common trope that men depict female protagonists. This only serves to degrade the female body with unobtainable and sexualized attributes which cater to the male

It’s ALL cherry-picking, man.

Yeah! Nobody should be confused. They should just get it.

You’re so trans-phobic. Thisnisntbe result of living in a rape culture

Is that right??? So christians are unconcerned with the ten commandments and what Leviticus has to say about homosexuality, or, I don’t know, Gensis?

You may be right. My distaste for slavery and genocide may not be universal.

It's a time loop! If they meet and touch, the universe will rip!!

Fucking October Surprise!

Who needs this pompous cunt to forgive them? Why the fuck is the catholic church still relevant, again? This is the third fucking millenium AD, is it not? What fucking self-respecting, intelligent human being gives a flying fuck what this organization had to say about anything other than a categorical apology for

A small price to pay for being one of the most desired cocks amongst affluent white men and women. I’m sure he can mend his ego deep inside a tight cunt, attached to a slender brunette fashion model willing to share him with her friend’s hungry throat.

What a strange article. I was under the impression that Asian women were tremendously empathetic. Ask Amy Chua.

I am a citizen of ancestors that were willing to face harsh conditions for a better life for their offspring.

A fate far worse than they face in their home nation, no doubt.

Hey Zeus something.

More trustworthy than a hippie organic place trying to poison you with e. Coli on their legumes.

You can be loved without demanding monogamy. All evidence suggests monogamy is merely ideological and irrelevant to meaninful human social bonding. Trust would be that thing you seek and such a thing doesn't neccesitate a ridgid traditional structure.

The difference being, of course, modern science has evidence to back its theories, which make predictions that have also been verified by further evidence, strengthing those theories.

Which gospels? All forty, or just the 10% accepted by the early Catholic Church into official cannon? There is very much debate about the veracity and reliability of the official gospels amongst the same tradition of academics that chose those same gospels as cannon, centuries prior to now, and centuries after the

Why is being big a good thing?