
I think the best commentary they ever did on gun control was when in “Downer Ending”, when BJ, Sara Lynn, and Todd are all tripping, they’re inexplicably all holding guns and remark - “wait - if everyone has guns, no one will need to have guns!” or something, and Todd replies, “I THINK WE JUST SOLVED THIS COUNTRY’S

Exactly. Man in the High Castle (at least the show, haven’t read the book) barely goes into Jewish people and their plight. I believe the first episode makes a point of saying that many of them have been exterminated and the rest hiding their identity. I think an episode or two have a few scenes of Jewish people

I think that’s a great idea.

“If HBO wants to do a show about the enslavement of black people, Underground exists, and it’s still looking for a home, and that is helmed by a black woman”

As an American Arab woman, I really don’t understand the American idea that Arabs and Indians are interchangable. They don’t look at all the same, much less have the same culture or language. Is it just that some Arabs and some Indians wear “turbans”? This “Middle Eastern or Indian” search is really some messed up

“Is Emma Stone not available?”

You just *know* that the studio really wants a white guy. And that all this “we can’t find a guy after 2000 auditions” is just cover for when they announce that Aladdin will be played by Hugh Jackman.

I assume Jake Gyllenhaal is busy?

Monique, an honest “Thank You” for reporting on this. I’m sure I wouldn’t have heard about this project otherwise. I’m donating. I wanna send a mom home for Mother’s Day.

Anything to keep that private prison system profitable.

I checked google for one locally and found a Philadelphia group.

How do i contribute?

Good idea.

the thing that’s most strange and ironic to me is this —

The Civil Rights movement’s victories were based on struggle and conflict — economic, legal, and social — not just conversation. People were beaten and people were murdered as they strove to secure those rights. They didn’t convince bigots, racists, and segregationists they were wrong, they fought them and were fought

“I mean if you’re nice enough you might convince someone that you deserve to exist! Isn’t that great?”

Being trans is not a “self-imposed ‘camp’.” Climate change is not a “choice.” Sure, disagreeing with someone about certain specific policy ideas is one thing, but when one group actively denies the existence of another group or tries to use political might to harm a group/the earth, it’s not just people on opposite

YES that false equivalent shit. Drove me bananas after the election -- maybe we need to sit and listen to trump supporters, find out what they’re feeling and what they’re really angry about. BITCHES VOTED FOR A RACIST I THINK I KNOW WHAT THEY’RE FEELING JUST FINE.