
HOLY SHIT. Why wasn’t that one featured?!


Yeah I loved the one about the hole in the apartment wall. The only problem I had with it was, so she keeps getting all this dust, but, well...wouldn’t you recognize dry wall dust, or more obviously, saw dust? That just struck me as a little disingenuous. But it was still great!

I just got home and found that I saved the link in a separate tab on my laptop! Here you go :)

Ha ha I had the same thought when I read that story! I was like “so...you weren’t going to wash your bowl?”

That one was the most hard to believe for me ... literally all of those things just sound like standard college tom-foolery. You mean someone is running down the hallway being loud in the middle of the night as a freshman in college???!!! NO WAY!

You left a dirty dish that had milk in it in a sink on your last day? Ghost or no ghost, dick move.

and the convenient “there’s a photo but I won’t post it, even a cropped version that just shows the hand in question”

Yeah - I could buy it up until the hand in the window with the elongated middle finger. That crossed into creepypasta territory.

Passing along this story about my buddy, I’ll call him Jim, who served in the Army and was in the middle east in early 2000s. He came back with some pretty fierce PTSD, used to think he was hearing calls for help over the car radio and such. Eventually he got some professional help and it seemed like it was all sorted.

Super well written, but this isn’t a real story and I’ll be upset if they choose it. If anything it’s embellished.

My experience as a professor is that most would take it seriously if only to cover their asses.

I figured it a fake when the professor was, like, “Meh.” Still a great read!

Yeah, this is the part that zaps the fear out of it for me. It’s NOT hard to crop or block out or mspaint-scribble the identifying features. And “winners” in previous years have admitted to making shit up for the internet kudos or whatever.

Ok, here goes. Writing this out makes me want to barf. 

Do you remember the story about how the kid was writing a paper with headphones on and there was writing all over the house that said “LOOK AT ME”? It still haunts me and that was I think like 3 years ago.

Never forget folks, the Gestapo couldn’t work without regular “good” German’s cooperation. Same applies for every secret police agency ever. People will use their petty grievances and hates against their neighbors every time they get a chance, because people: Are shit.

I like the running joke of a mob chanting Mr. Peantbutter’s name going from getting behind him in his gubernatorial race to getting behind him in his option of being eaten.

Yeah, I think the only other thing that’s portrayed it that well is Hyperbole and a Half:

It’s strange how you can be waiting for something and not know you’re waiting on it. Sitting and watching this with my girlfriend, she turned to me and asked if this is what it was like for me all the time. It was such a weird question, because I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety for such a long time that it