
Getting off the train was out of character for Maeve, who had spent the entire season demonstrating that she wasn’t falling for that emotional bullshit they saddled her with. That’s why that felt authentic to me: she was actually relaxing into having an emotional response instead of logical detachment.

Oh so he was just method acting his way into sexual assault, okay. That makes it fine, he’s just really, really professional.

100%, and 115 god damn reviews. That’s actually ridiculously impressive. Usually there’s some smug son of a bitch that hates the film to hate it.

FYI, the movie received 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. That is one hell of directorial debut for Jordan Peele.

are you gonna talk about yourself the whole time?

I have a friend who does contract work for a city; she conducts the psych screenings on police and firemen who want jobs.

They are no different than the DEA, getting off on doing the job, doesn’t matter who it hurts.

I would like to add correctional officers too.

This is accurate

Yep. I have a sinking feeling we ain’t seen nothing yet.

Police and Border Patrol unions were among the first and most vocal supporters of Trump. They’ve been itching for years to get the toys out and play.

Im convinced that a lot of of law enforcement people are sadist and they’re getting off on this shit. Just another group of people emboldened by 45.

The ICE agents really seem to be getting off on their jobs these days don’t they? Just the job Trump supporters are drawn too. I’m sure someone will feel the need to tell me this is what they have to do and all. But no, motherfuckers.

You’re being too polite.

That was my first thought as well, which I verbalized without realizing I was speaking. This is so fucked.


So basically... if a woman wants an abortion it’s completely unacceptable.

Thanks! Second one worked.

that link is not working and it SO seems like something I want to read!