
How does it feel to have written that nice response for someone who doesn’t care, and is really just trying to get a rise?

You’re naive to not see you are being trolled, then again you are 50 so I don’t necessarily expect you to.

Yea, see...you don’t know that, you assume it, but you’ve never seen your dad, or brother, or bf, or husband when you aren’t around talking with other men, you just be incredibly naive, like a lot to believe this.

Meh, hah yea that worked for Bill Clinton, and hm oh yea his current wife, and presidential runner Hillary!


Oh you too bullshit queen :)

Sure... as if you’d admit it.

Fuck you Cunty McCunterson! I do call it out, I’m calling it out now, the fact we are acting like Trump is so specifically bad when you know people in your lives are in it too is what makes it bullshit half the time. You wanna own up, then own up on all fronts.

Fine you wanna hate Trump for this, go right ahead he deserves it, but let’s not be hypocrites, if you think your bother, son, farther, husband, boyfriend, etc. Has never ever in their whole life participated, or said vulgar things about women, well you are living in a fantasy world.

Fine you wanna hate Trump for this, go right ahead he deserves it, but let’s not be hypocrites, if you think your bother, son, farther, husband, boyfriend, etc. Has never ever in their whole life participated, or said vulgar things about women, well you are living in a fantasy world.


Pre meditated murder, literally 1st degree murder.

Shoot a muthafucka in his sleep, shit is gonna get real. Can’t kill anyone more not being a threat.

What you sure? I mean we take them so seriously with their deep thoughts on social issues.. right?

Yea, well you kill someone shit is gonna get real whether you like it or not.

When I realized it required I create multiple high level teams to just keep moving forward I said fuck that shit.


Lol shut your goddamn mouth.

Some people are just gonna be racist, they have the right to be so. Some see it as a problem, others see it as a choice.

I hope he sues and wins millions!