
He wasn’t that bad at all, and she needs to tone the outrage down a bit...

Lol. Zing!

Lol, she is fucking stupid to think she could take someone else owned IP without consequences while at the same time wanting notoriety, I hope she gets slammed for this.

Don’t worry it’ll be female when they are paying out after a humiliating court loss that sets back any real female progression by a few years. :)

It isn’t the goal, no one wants it, they just wanna be on top. Any call for equality gets a call of bullshit.

Good it should happen more, what makes you think women are incapable of unethical discrimination? Get real, no one wants equality, they just wanna be on top. I hope he wins.

Good for him, fuck this shit. Gender discrimination, is gender discrimination how ever you dress it up. Maybe one day people will realize no one wants equality, they just wanna be on top.



Yea the title made it out to be something where he fucked up, but that was pretty fucking bad ass.

Hah, this was a really good title, I Lol in a literal sense.

Shut up, do you have like a thing to sigh about a day calendar or something?

People need to stop having children. Period.


Actually it is your fault if you did that, exposing your child naked to social media is directly effecting their chances of being targeted. Fuck your six degree of separation bullshit. Own being an idiot.

I’m super for victim blaming when the victim is basically asking for it.

She definitely should consider it her fault, because she doesn’t live in the real world, and thinks her self above most people.

It’s people like you that live in a bubble, “should” is not a valid reason for something to be in a subjective sense as far as what is a universal right, in this case doing anything you want, in your words, “do whatever you want to do online.” You cannot do anything you want anywhere ever without consequences, and

Sounds like a valid legal argument to me. No sarcasm.
