
Let me boil this down more. It is odd that Hillary Clinton is not POTUS. Clearly you should not sexualize women/ or any number of other gross things like pull out your hotdog and jerk it in front of them.........THAT SAID look who is POTUS!?!?!?!? WTF????? Clearly we respect women enough to be outraged about them

My take away of all this is, this, Women, namely white women matter more than ending racism by police. But not by much. We have a racist and sexist man as POTUS. People are mad that one NFL play wants police to stop their default of killing Black suspects as if those lives do not matter. I do not blame him, or the

Only because we allow it. We are free to change our laws. I don’t under why we act like we are victims when we are the ones making the rules. I really hate that. Rage. Things are only like this because of choices. This not magic. Make laws. Make more laws. Rewrite laws. Or maybe just kill the rich? damn. This whole

hold up. So many be loans are a bad idea. if no one could get a loan, maybe the prices would come down to something people pay off with Christmas money/over time????????????

Nobody ever teaches a physics class by saying, “this is how the universe works, all alternative explanations are wrong, and you have to believe me because I have a PhD”.

I was born in 1973. My first cassette was Jackson’s Thriller and ACDC’s Flick Of the Switch. I can recall when the Air Force Base would open up and let everyone on the tarmac and give us a bunch of free crap. I grew up watching A-Team and The Equalizer. And, I have been drinking since I was 16. Because that is how old

Okay, that last part is tin-foil feelings of mine I can’t prove. But outside of that last line; all that has took place. I will admit these issues likely only happen to me because I spend so much time on-line and have been on-line since 1995. So, maybe all this is happening to me because of the sear volume of ‘Net

I will give you all that, but, the fact still stands, Using google current day is tons worse than using yahoo. Yes, they are dealing with trillion more information, but, does that really justify no one telling the truth? Searching has become pointless and futile. I would not say they made a better mouse trap, I would

why is everyone so grammer nazi

Write it better, or STFU.

Now. Not at the time that google was having people say: “google it” in movies and shows. They faked it till they had the cash to make it.

??? I hate google. I will not hide that. There was a time when no one even knew what google was, and yahoo always had what I was looking for at the top of the page. Those was the days. And, now, in 2017 all search engines suck so much balls. If being brave enough to call it as I see makes me a commie, so be it i

Afterwards!!!!!! What are you like 20? There was a time when no one knew or cared what a google was. Then, they had the sentence “google it” in a hand full of really expensive movies, and BAM!!!! everyone is acting like google was doing something new. It was not. It was exactly like yahoo. In fact in the first few


That lady is not the only thing fake about Apple. I do not know why people buy into the hype! Also, Google only became a thing because of movie placement! Before that people just went to Yahoo, only after stealing market share with advertisement, did google become a force to be reckoned with. Which is fine, but, they

“unnecessary regulatory burdens”

I think every lady thing is like a sunset in a new location. That said, I get no credit for my love of women. So there is that.

I hate the G.O.P., that said, can we not muddy the meaning of pedophile. Liking young women and liking children that have not had puberty are not the same thing. And, acting like they are, only makes you look hyperbolic.  

I have been using PC’s since win95. XP was awesome. I hate Windows 10 and 8 was much better. I think MS wants to be more like Apple and that fills me with rage. Because it is really making owning a PC nightmare. I think I am going to just get a chomebook at this point.

Apple is bad. And the people who keep that company going are bad for giving apple the money to keep making lame crap and killing the 3.5 jack. to hell with apple and its users.