
Humans are trash. As, CK’s works gets at. Also, There is no Chris Rock without CK. So, I will not be a rat on a sinking ship. Im going down with the ship.

To be clear are you saying that some stock apps needing to be replaced by a 3rd party at one own expense fits your needs? Because I would think that at a 1000$ the phone should do a lot out of the box. Nevermind it takes 3 swipes to make a call. WTF? Smart phones are stupid. I miss one bottom speed dial. Yes, I am

I do not know why people think it is a good exchange of money/product! Here 1000$ phone, but, you have to find and pay for apps for it. Would you take this crap from a car company? On wheels maybe, but, a stock car sure is a lot more product than a stock I-Junk.  

This topic makes me want to be an a$$hat Right Winger. Autonomous support should be done solely by private money.

Are there Kevin Smith accusations?

I think they are saying he was joking, But, I think they fail to understand that he was being literal, If you ask me. Being a pig sob my self, who has mad crass jokes. That did not sound like a joke, it sounded like a brag. And statement of fact.

Why not pay off all credit cards and put that freed up cash to paying one car?

Good for her. No one should respect someone who jokes about sexual assault.

I have found nothing works and everything works. Meaning, things working or not working is a myth. Basically you get lucky or unlucky and what you did really didn’t do anything. It just looks like that. The results have nothing to do with you and more to do with finding someone who was game for you at that very

mentally fragile, incapable of self-control and being in charge of their own lives

I have mental issues, and I used to beat my wife, when I was married to her. I would never do this bull-carp. Go punch your self, please. It is people like that cause theses things. I love how all the people are helping each other in the face of this horrible event. But, did /will anyone ever help sick people like

Or maybe, people need to be very dismissive of things on the “Internet”. I think we went to far, when we started treating Facebook like anything else than a Knitting Circle. The general public has give too much legitimacy to something was simply a way to spread rumors. That, said, to0 many actual news sources and

on a side note, I feel that people should stop acting like their kids belong to them. those kids are humans. humans can not /should not ever belong to anyone, what so ever in any manner /form/ fashion. more over, if kids belong their mom and dad, then those people should be required to support them for life. like a

I love how the downfall of white men is vag. This makes me so happy, i want to piss my self. all their killing and racism and lust killed them. ha ha ha.

As far as we know, for now. We didnt know about Kev, and i think a lot of ppl r going to be brung into the light. so i would not bet on puss grabber.

There is nothing wrong with taking dirty. The issue is the man says that he grabs women without their permission.

Joke? He did not make a joke. He laughed at the fact that he grabs women by their vag. He thinks that is funny, but, he was not joking about doing it. so nice try. but, OP is correct. We elected a admitted puss grabber, but, dont want to watch a show with a accused rapist in it?

recreate in a lab, otherwise ppl will just assume, you are full of it. just say. physical trumps all.

“religion causes all the problems in the world”. History show that to be the case. So....hummmmm not sure what else to say.

I could see my self agreeing with you. But, I have long had this theory. Bare with me. You know how I now that Bible Beaters “must be wrong”... Because I look at who is making the drama. Bible Beaters come and try to convert me. No one has ever tried to make me do drugs, or do any other sin. “Sinners”, do not try to