
When ones world view is that X % of the pop will burn in hell for Y misdeed, just maybe, you should have a very hard punch to the face or at least some bigotry flung your way. Just saying. Do bible beaters ever consider what they are hoping for? You are actually damning millions of people to hell for things like

All I know is, I have read the New Testament, more than once, and I really would like to know why no is actually helping the poor and needed. At lest not while driving Cadillac’s and trying to shut down strip clubs and abortion clinics.

Faith!? I am sorry, but, I take nothing on faith. And, I will think less of anyone that has “faith” in anything. Anything. Faith, is in fact right up there with gambling and hoping.

this. so much this. too much this.

I will only agree to this, if people will try to not sneeze so loud. I keep mine as quit as I can, to the point of they only reach one decibel. I can be done. And people who are being loud, are douche bags with not control.

so all the women of the 50's need therapy? I think you are miss understanding me. I am talking about a culture of not talking. Like my last Ex me and her were together for like 10 years. But, we only end up being a couple because I talked to her first. Much later I found out she had actually seen me in a break room

Are you really saying 20's somethings should not being having sex. LOL.

Of course. But, as a Hispanic male, and as someone who actually recalls my 20's very clearly. I have to be honest, even with what you break down in your comment, I could see, looking back, I could see too much room for a past lover to say what ever they want. Because, there was no verbal consent in the whole of the

high /drunk? but, what if both ppl are drunk/high? I call b.s.. if both are out of it, they are raping each other, or not. wtf?

What? So, people should never try to get laid?

As far as I know I have never raped anyone. But, I can’t say I have ever gotten consent. People don’t talk like that. Not any I have ever met. And, I have to deal with the ones in my world. Not the ones in yours.

you are missing the point. Do you really think, this person in the post, saw a woman in his bed and said, to him self, woot...i am going to rape this lady.... DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT?

I don’t know if reporting is always a good idea. If one plans on killing them later, it be nice if there is no paper showing one had a reason to kill them 3 sobs. know. and, hay, no one needs your pitty. FF!

As a 43 year old man, I don’t like being alone with a woman, unless I think we will being have sex. More over, I don’t like being in ppls homes alone. And, I dont like being with kids alone. Expect mine.

I must ask, Am I the exception? All the women I have ever dated, have been victims of sexual assault. I am 43, and I have dated some 15 or so women.

With all due respect: Life is a hostile and tragic series of events, with moments of glee injected here and there; for everyone but the most privileged.

Few things.

that is just like that junk about love it or leave it. well, i think ppl that think like that should all be punched.

all very true. I stay in an all bills paid place because I like my AC 60F in the summer. And, I like it about 90F during the winter. All that said, it is clear that we can both point to examples for our stance. Which kind of sucks. Homes are not very standard. Freedom, does have its draw backs

little help. why don’t we use the gas engine on cars to charge a battery that the car uses for driving? that way you save the gas used during idling.