My major driving experience in California were people merging on to the highway without accelerating at all from on-ramp speed. Being able to safely drive at the speed limit in the right lane is high fantasy.
My major driving experience in California were people merging on to the highway without accelerating at all from on-ramp speed. Being able to safely drive at the speed limit in the right lane is high fantasy.
May I ask you why you chose the owl plates for your CR-V instead of one of the other designs?
Dude. NJ Turnpike has the best left lane understanding of any highway I’ve ever driven on. The worst is, by far, out in California.
Ford dealership in Livermore, CA. My fiancee wanted something cheap on gas and she could put a lot of miles on, so we were looking for a Focus. My fiancee has driven my 12C, 458, Cayman R, Boxster S, and 911 TurboS. She’s also driven an Agera R, Huayra, 918, F12, 430 Scud... point being she’s familiar with cars.
Yeah, but unlike a Mustang you won't look like a complete and total douchebag driving this.
Too soon?
It is likely a North American thing. A lot of truck owners put these on their trailer hitch to reinforce the stereotype that their truck is compensating for their manhood. It's good to be oblivious in this case.
Some hoodlum dickwads thought it would be cool or thug to attempt to carjack me in my Saab c900. He grabbed the drivers door handle and tried to pull it open. He didn't realize after most of my life in Yonkers and the Bronx I drive with my doors locked. I taught him how strong Saab door handles are on those cars by…