Basket of Inoperables

But they called in a specialist data recovery firm as soon as the “error” was discovered, though. Right? I mean they do that and they’ll be able to get a good portion of this potentially exculpatory evidence and public record back. Some Recovery specialists have managed to recover data that was supposedly deleted

They haven’t even figured out whose gun it was.

The dems barely tried in Kansas.

Fuck that shit, his wife’s father is white and her mother is biracial. So while I ordinarily wouldn’t give a fuck he can miss me with that “Black Queen” nonsense when his colorist ass is clearly looking for someone who looks to be as far from Black as he can find whilst still claiming some Black identity. Nope!

i’m sure their investigation will be every bit as fair and balanced as their news coverage.

Who’s the fucking snowflake now, Tomi?

It’s like when conservatives are against safety net programs until they need them. “But I just wanted *those people* to suffer. I still wanted to be able to get unemployment for myself when the factory closed.”

“I was fine with bad things happening to other people but I didn’t think they’d happen to ME!”

She is this sheep.

Bitch thought it was fine to break up OTHER families but not her own!

Now everyone in America can rest easy knowing that his reign of free iced tea refills has ended.

Idiocracy had nothing on Trump supporters.

She IS dim, yet people assume that she is smart and capable because she’s attractive. What in hell has happened to this country?

Imagine, for just a moment, if Sonia Sotomayor had been caught plagiarizing passages in any of her books or papers, ever. White People would have marched to D.C. and burned that whole city to the ground.

Unless they showed the dead children on Fox and Friends we both know he didn’t see shit

fuck this guy right in the ear.

as a trained allergist, you’d think he’d spend a little less time on the senate floor and a little more time trying to figure out why women’s reproductive rights make him so sick.

gayle king, sage steele and Stacey dash walk into a bar...

Buy a fucking dictionary.

Fuck Gayle King. She was one of the media lackeys who went to kiss the ring in Trump Tower following the election. And then had the fucking gall to tsk tsk Seth Meyers on his show for being critical of Trump, because we should ‘give him a chance.’ And of course fuck Nazi Princess.