Basket of Inoperables

No kidding. Trump is liable to grab him by his whole body. What a pussy.

Yeah, she was shot in the head doing her job and still went back to it as soon as she had healed the bare minimum. But the people who want to protect against gun violence are the snowflakes, not the man who is unwilling to appear in public because he is scared.

Hey! He clearly needs a safe space, you know, from all the criticism he might get over not doing his job!

Gohmert is a very special snowflake, who would prefer not to be criticized in public, thank you very much. Also a coward.

public servants who don’t believe its their job to serve the public - thanks donald.

It was also down the front of his pants! Could you get more Freudian? Or less gun-safe?

I call her the Tauntaun. She’s been repeatedly rode hard and put away wet, but someone might get inside her if they were desperate.

“...I’m trying to focus on other pieces of my portfolio...” is the new “...taking some time off to spend with my family...”.

Yes, he loves “Which one are you?” and “What’s her name again?”

We’re talking about victimizing white boys. Now it’s a problem.

It’s not. But that’s the hypocrisy. Women are sexual objects pretty much up for grabs as soon as men say so. But boys? Not the same. 

Just remember: they felt all the other awful shit he said about racial minorities, Muslims, women, and LGBT people was just a matter of “free speech”. Apparently this is the thing that was too “offensive” for them and where they felt the need to draw the line in the sand, where they felt the need to “infringe upon his

She wasn’t outed—-she chose to identify herself as Jane Roe to grab some publicity.

I always want to say, “Oh, you mean the Bible that was rewritten at the order of King James specifically to justify his reign as ordained by God and to keep the social order of the era in place, thereby ensuring that the lower classes believed they were less-than because God wanted it that way and that they should not

I have seen it up close too, and there is ALL the judgement in there and none of the grace. Except when it comes to themselves. Once a group of people were talking about that show “Duck Dynasty” and I said I had never seen it. One of the ladies popped up and said “Oh it is good. And they’re Christians!” Um, from what

So have I, with people I love very much. It makes me very sad.

As a lapsed non-evangelical Christian and daughter of pastors, I completely agree. There is pure evil underneath all that false piety and self congratulatory religiosity of the evangelicals. I’ve seen it up close.

So she’s basically the face of “the only moral abortion is my abortion?

Pffft, that’s a fact. We’re onto alt facts now...

“Since we got rid of him” = “since he stepped down after serving the maximum-allowed two terms in office”.