Everyone gets to use “I got hacked” as an excuse except for the actual people who got hacked.
Because thats what he calls women
It’s so ridiculous that public figures use the excuse “I got hacked!” to excuse themselves when they write something stupid.
Yeah, “hacked,” as in “He can’t hack it as a public official or a decent human being.”
So Newt is a Ferengi?
More important, women with opinions and women who fight back.
“I’m sick and tired of [the majority of the population]...”
“I’m sick and tired of people like you...”
IMO, it’s not wrong to quote him within a certain context, but suggesting that PP is taking a page out of Hitler’s book is A) wrong and B) seems to indicate that she thinks PP has actually studied Hitler. Not to mention that that method of “propaganda” also applies to advertising in general and Donald Trump’s entire…
Anything that comes after “Great quote from Hitler!” is probably not that great at all. It also didn’t help that she described him as “profound” and how we should listen closely.
Well, if it is “Do you want more schnaps” or., “ I’d like to paint those mountains”, not wrong (but why quote Hitler on that?)
Sounds like the lack of context in the initial post is the problem.
“You want your belt to buckle, not your government.”
I doubt she meant she admired them as people, but I could be projecting. I think she admired the fact that they stuck it out and are still willing to be seen around Donald.
He’s the sonic boom of stupid.
“Bill Clinton said ‘retarded’ in 1983. That’s much worse!”
This is right up there with “The axe murderer didn’t butcher those people because the cows are in the meadow eating grass.”