
That's gonna be my zonkvision sleepytime wondersnoozer.

No, his wife is his father, duh.

I had that landshark car! That and ManOfWar(ManAtWar?) were the only He-Man toys I had. I found the show scary til I was 6 or so.

It tastes sweet cuz it hasta.

Yeah, I don't get the flack it gets. The tone is different, maybe that's it.

George and Dudley are underrated, imo.

Fraser got a raw deal. He should have been Superman at some point. His Clark would be perfect, his Superman would come off as caring and brave.

I am looking forward to Gary Busey as Grandpa, possibly referring to the children as little chicken shit freakazoids don't know wolfsbane from a rotten turd.

I remember the title Mockingbird Lane but had no idea it was a Munsters thing. Huh.

Um, Lizzie Borden.

Nobody had to tell me to boycott. Barilla sucked way before the homophobia broke the surface.

J-Leg and Hops were in this and LAND OF THE DEAD together.

Where's Bunny?

Is he singing "water runs dry" in the header image?

I found a really good Mexi taco bar near the Chicago History Museum, but the name escapes me.

Janine is the worst. Otherwise I love this show.

Jon Bernthal(sp?) would like a word with you.

I've never heard of this,and I love Cage. Can't wait!

Paul Schrader did that for Lohan, title escapes me.

He's the band manager on FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS. Really funny, very good actor.