I thought it was Rhys Darby for a long time.
I thought it was Rhys Darby for a long time.
He's more of a Card Sharks guy.
“Kid, you just saved I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER!”
“That Rando stuff kills me.”
Cal: I want to know what it is, and what it does.
We wore work-issued shorts and t-shirts.
Living proof, yo.
“I said 'Wheaton', not 'Whedon'!"
He can't even snowboard.
“Chody"? Really?
First Reformed!
That’s what I mean, yeah! Just have the same actors do the same shot/line in english, chinese, german, etc.
That’s cool, but I want to hear Americanisms and cursing in thick German accents.
I wonder how difficult it would be to just film all live action scenes in multiple languages. Some of the VO on DARK is so bad, but the live actors are usually solid. Seems like it would savr money on performers and sound booth time.
Doug Peetersohn...
He brings out the curmudgeon in me.
“I’m sailing!...'
My library had them on VHS. I watched SNOW QUEEN at least 5 times.
Enough talk. Let's kill a human.