
Because I like to read about pop culture?

Um, his picture was on the home page of the site, well before I clicked the link.

I don't watch trailers in order to avoid spoilers.

Would it have killed you to not spoil the Tim Roth bit? That would have been a lovely surprise while watching it.

I really enjoyed season 6. I won't pay to see the movie in a theater, but I wouldn't mind subscribing to Peacock for a week to catch it.

It's one evening at the movies, Michael...

Ugh, that sucks.

I got into IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS at 15. But that's Yallahassee in 95, and those squeaky voiced teens had comics to read, so...

“Mr. Hutz, do you have any actual evidence to present?" was the only one that sprang to mind.

Goddammit, every time you post I want to "Mr. Hutz,..." quote at you, but I don't want to come off dickish, so I refrain.

Re Kris Kross:


You guessed it:

Jurassic Park 3 os so exciting and fun compared to 2. I love ot when he out-Spielberg's Spielberg.

I Did, but early morning brain is a weird thing (I watched it at 1am).

The Jordan Peterson Story, starring Dennis Reynolds.

I was hoping he was talking about The Counselor.


Yeah, Jonah's in this, so I'm in for the long haul.

But he does! He DOES kills!