And now that soldier named Ryan’s father is asking a lot of questions about how & why his son died, so don’t expect that family to be trotted out again.
And now that soldier named Ryan’s father is asking a lot of questions about how & why his son died, so don’t expect that family to be trotted out again.
Are you high? I just got the Cobra letter from my last job because I started a new job three weeks ago. My Cobra premium would be over $700 a month, and I would still have co-pays and deductibles. If you could find insurance for someone with a pre-existing condition that didn’t have co-pays and a high deductible…
I think his portrait series of wounded veterans is his own personal penance.
We rigged my father’s WaterPik to shoot him in the face when he turned on the bathroom light. Not sure how we lived to tell the tale.
Exactly this. I know someone who is a session musician in Nashville and tours with an older rock musician. He makes bank and gets to do what he loves every day. It’s not the stuff he played in his 20s, but so what? He’s super happy.
My mom wrote someone in, my dad left it blank. They live in CT so no real threat of HRC not winning their state. If they were in a swing state she says she would have voted for her. Last night she said every time Trump comes on TV she changes the channel. Also says dementia is a likely diagnosis for him. I asked her…
He would have to be in the academy to get booted from it.
I knew a guy who called his grandparents “Bim” and “Pants.” My cousin’s father in law called everyone “Pal” so her kids called him that, and her name is Jan so they called her mom “Janma.”
And in NYC, you can order off a screen, I do it at a McDonald’s in Brooklyn.
He also had his father to call for advice, and the other former Presidents, which Obama had as well. Trump would never call any of them for input on this or any other issue.
They wouldn’t go now because it would put undue strain on local resources and their secret service details. But they are raising funds with the other two members of Ex-Presidents’ Club.
Our friends’ relatives live in a nicer part of San Juan in a development with it’s own generator. Their home is intact, they have all their belongings, and food and water hasn’t been an issue for them as of now.
Please, I had a trumpster tell me that declaring bankruptcy was a genius business move, not a sign of failure. They STILL think he is a successful business man, and one I saw the other day said that his performance is exactly what she wanted from him and why she voted for him. And yet, besides the selection and…
I told one that an actual effective boycott would be of the advertisers, but I know he ain’t giving up his bud light.
The most ardent Trump supporters I know are either union members or spouses of union members. It’s mind-boggling.
The people bitching about the knee-takers the most in my FBfeed all completely ignored my post linking to three veterans’ organizations they could donate time and/or money to. Can I tell you how not surprised I was?
All of them!
Ohhhh we are in the same club, my Nana was from Kerry.
Let me tell you, after Sandy, we would have been lost without religious groups of every stripe. Catholic Charities, Buddhists, Sikhs...all here, feeding people, cleaning out homes, bringing donated supplies. Our local parish still had water on the floor when it first opened as a supply center. Mormon Helping Hands…