Man... this guy is MAD... if only i could hack into his iphon.... dead end...I give up. Vote for Drumph!!! #shimmy
Man... this guy is MAD... if only i could hack into his iphon.... dead end...I give up. Vote for Drumph!!! #shimmy
DAMNIT! you didn’t say that there were spoilers in the article! Now I know the ending!
I saw this live and immediately knew that it would be on here. Thank you!
you become a non-story in football because you suck.
in even bigger news Lavonte David is sending tweets about it from the FUTURE!!!
GOT IT!! Shit is Easy Yo!
no no Milo....That’s an old video.
making better comments?
Holy.Shit. This is not okay. I don’t care what she said that fucker needs put in jail.
Does this really have to be explained? I love me some lifehacker, but this one seems a bit... silly. What’s next. Use a carabiner as a functional key chain. MIND...BLOWN...
Baby or no Baby... No one should just be able to whip a beer from the upper deck (or anywhere for that matter) and get away with it. You have a social responsibility to not be a fuck face. Albert Grummitt failed and his ‘unfortunate luck’ of hitting a kid is the only reason he’s getting in trouble at all. If this…
For the record: I’m not a fan of either team.
So in looking at this post a lot of people do not truly know the difference between hardwood & softwood. there are softer hardwoods (i.e. Balsa) and harder softwoods (i.e. Yew). The basic way to understand hardwood vs. Softwood is Hardwood has broad leaves & softwood has needles or produces ‘cones’. There are many…
Teach me great one. But what if the batter was chewing a ridiculous amount of gum and blows a huge bubble during said home run swing? Followed by the open mouth chew & home run trot.
Man!! i can cross this option off of my get rich quick schemes list.
I seriously hope you’re joking. if you removed the phrase “here’s a guy” from Collinsworth’s vocabulary he couldn’t talk about anyone. WORST.VERBAL.CRUTCH.EVER! Seriously grab a 12 pack and drink for 4 seconds every time he says it. You may want to have an ambulance waiting... he’s not the worst but seriously stop…
I cannot love this more than I do. Its impossible. I want this on loop at my funeral.
HOLY.SHIT. The dude that shot this video is either an idiot or a distant relative of Chuck Norris. How can you remain so calm?
ah, but can Ryan Mallet Cook?!?!