Bartolo - ALLL DAY LONG!
Bartolo - ALLL DAY LONG!
Damnit Tom! you and your Buzzfeed Clickbait Headlines! You working part time at the NY Daily News? Was this you?…
So the internet mob... Scary Shit.
This poor girl. Such a kind soul. She deserves way better. A bad heartbreak is sometimes all a person needs to find what they deserve (I did say sometimes). As far as his new bride... I feel bad for her too, but she could be just as awful as this douche... who knows... I believe this dude will pay. He’s obviously…
so... I just wanted to say that I hate you. Why you ask? Well, I looked at this earlier today. literally LOL’d and moved on with my life. Since then the image has haunted me. I can actually see this when I close my eyes. I will be sleepless tonight; no doubt. You sir... are an asshole. :)
I wouldn’t say he’s my boy, but I’ll agree with the rat face thing. Its mostly the teeth, and the nose, and... yah its’ the whole damn face like you said. Someone should get that boy some cheese.
This apology is hilarious. You deserve a star today sir. And you should be sorry.
“Okay so you’re dirty... But what would you call that cheese if it’s NOT yours?”
“Which Nuts?”
so many words when you could have easily had he photo of it with the word “no” under it. Nice article though. Good writeup about luxuries that ill never want (or afford). People are so damn needy when they drive!
Love the Car. The stance the design, but there is a fine line between attention to detail to create an “image” and just straight up ‘over branding’. I feel like there should be #JEEP stickers all over this thing... wait... *sigh* Line Crossed Fiat. Line Crossed.
Money. #nuffsaid
you have to start using ADBlocker man. look at those nasty grey boxes. I LOVE me some AdBlocker. Makes the internets way better. and THAT is a luxury that i won’t be giving up. Also it’s free... so there is that... kbye