This is art. Thank you!
This is art. Thank you!
not that you give a shit, but i had a shit day, and this shit joke made me laugh. So thanks!
That shirt was truly awful. Congrats Drew. Made me laugh at least 3 times.
Tom - Lets get down to business here. Are you just mad because you didn't think of this first? #behonest
oh brick.... thank you for being the anglixh patrol. Did I spell that right? Douche.
+100 - I'm dying. Please just make this into a meme with Seahawks' players quotes. Spangarang - you are winning at the internet.
I'm really sad that this video is not about the Spurs' habits of not wearing underpants....
Too much coffee Albert? Deep Breaths.
Does anyone find it Ironic that Lebron's shirt is written in Comic Sans? Was this also a statement? Johnny Football?
This is the harshest thing you can say to anyone who makes a "funny". I can not STAND canned humor... UCKKKK - Thank you J to the G... I have just added a line item to my 'fuck you funny guy' repertoire. Only way to improve is a funny stare. and/or to precede with a "seriously..." I owe you one.
Sorry to ruin your perfect Sunday Afternoon Fantasy Land, but actual people play the game. If you don't want to look at it or hear it then turn it off or play Madden and pretend its real you whiner. These events happened and weather or not they're on CNN or MSNBC this is the players' best platform to make a… +1
There are such a wide range of accents in the Midwest. Don't lump all Midwesterners in with those Chicago folk. I travel all over the country and very few people know where I'm from based on accent. Its really the obesity that tags me for the midwest. Godforsaken long ass winters.... But seriously though. I say…
Preach Kevin
oh yeah. the shots of the owners boxes during a Dallas v. Washington game is Vomit inducing. Hate to say it, but at least Jerry has some hardware on the mantle. - Seriously... Dan Snyder STINKS! Go away! Just sell the team to Bon Jovi or something..
Agree - They would absolutely win more, but not sure how much. This is the worst I've seen this team look in my 25+ years as a fan. Good news is... the only way from here is up boys! haha.
hahaha - That is so True! But do you blame him for protecting Snyder? this guy handed RGIII the keys to the castle just for being popular - They've fired great coaches for him (anyone should be shot if they think the Shannahans are not better than this regime), They have literally given away draft pics for years,…
Let me sum up the Washington Redskins. As long as Snyder owns this team they will never win.
I agree with you Boudin12. While this family is cheesy, annoying-ish(to me) - they're just having fun, and It doesn't seem like they deserve to be called out for it. Its not like they're a show on television or a musician looking for critique of their work... Just plain 'fun' - you know... like that thing you do…
I agree with you on the dude being a pussy, but WHY are you buying $11 beers? Is it half unicorn piss/ half beer? Also why are you attending hockey games? OK... so only one of those is fair to you, but I do mean both... Also (not that you care), but I really want to like hockey, because it is bad ass, and I have…