
Bluejay's suck so hard! While they look good ( i guess ) they are loud, they wreak havoc on everything they touch and they are annoying to all other birds. They are the Kardashians of the bird world. Don't even get me started on Starlings!

yes Milo. Feet rhymes with Feet.

I heard people talking about this at work, so i looked it up. While its obviously not a polished presentation, I'd say its pretty far down the list as far as 'funny' or 'awkward' goes.. He should have chewed an apple to sound more casual... On a serious note that guy does need to lose a few pounds. He was literally

Not that it matters, but Jones was in the owners box for the finish of the game. I watched it.


HOLY SHIT... So that dude isn't dead? Please tell me that someone just pulled off a Weekend at Bernie's with this fella and he really is dead. If not: I'll quote my favorite white dude of all time "Wait..how do you make your skin that color?" - Michael Jackson

This seems like a bit of a "reach".... also your statement reads like there are no "Black People" fans of the NFL. I think I've spotted one or two myself... Possibly 3. Seriously, Go find a Michael Brown Thread if you want to argue with someone ya Troll.

I agree with Justin Jump (Below) you should probably just listen to each yourself and be the judge. Or you could just be a sheep and do what your favorite athlete does. Your call.

[just imagine an infinite amount of Z's here]

Oh I completely agree with your statements on Record. 7-9 would be stellar! I think the over under was 4 for this team when the season started (and EVERYONE was on the under). I was just referring on the Pittsburgh comment. The Steelers are Broken and are very beatable. They (somehow) always have Cleveland's number

Let me start by saying I'm not a Browns fan. That said - "realistic". Did you see the last Pittsburgh/Cleveland game? I did... This team is two last minute drives from being 4-0. I'm not saying they're superbowl contenders (BECAUSE I am 'realistic' haha) but the Truth is they are like 2 big plays away from the city

yah MANNNNNN!!! Goodell has to be Illuminati or something. I bet you think the US had something to do with 9-11 too huh... Also. If you make enough money to not be accountable to anyone then you have the right to do just that. It is a free country. I'm not saying I agree with that moral avenue, but it's true.

I agree with you 100% . The guy is trying, which is more than what someone who blindly doesn't see their wrong and continues to do it (Donald Sterling). Goodell is not perfect, but who is? Having it 'top of mind' and continuing the conversation is all he can do. I'm sure they're working on some sort of program or

Come on. So many other (funnier) options here.

how is this possible. Is he masturbating? Same guy... right?

That celebration was..... flat

You need to watch more football Tom.... I feel bad for you.

update: the robot now has an updated LED face... How cool FOX! Stupid stupid robot....

Olbermann is a such a dramatic Troll. While i agree with a lot of his breathless rant. Who can disagree that this was kind of a cluster... this extremest bullshit is too much to handle.