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    Perhaps this might seem a bit harsh to say, but the cold hard truth is: Sometimes the people one rung up from the bottom think that the people on the bottom haven’t earned anything better.

    Did you watch the first movie?

    I was writing a story some years ago about something like this. The info that inspired it was not just that going straight through the center of the earth but in fact any straight line between two surface points of the sphere take the same amount of time to get through; at least in the simplified calculations I heard.

    really that’s funny because there are quite a few people I know talking about the olympics.

    As a child of the 80s and somebody with my own chronic health problems (and a bit of hypochondria because of it), HIV scares the crap out of me.

    Tidally locked. Sooo, given the time to design solar cells focused to the red end of the spectrum a ready power source for habitation to power cities with internal aeroponic farms. I bet the wind power at the dusk./dawn lines would be epic too.

    so why not non split third catagory? mixed gender team sports and the opportunity for anybody to compete against anybody else regardless of gender.

    you should absolutely read at least the first book. you will not regret it.

    get thee to a bookstore post haste. I read wildcards a long time ago, and it sticks with me as a collection of some of the best characters story telling, best setting development, and simply surpasses all superhero stories in comparison.

    Theives world is... an experience in the wonder of what imagined worlds could be.

    I read the headline. Hoped. Doubted my luck. Clicked the link. Hoped. Doubted my luck. Read the first paragraph looking for the let down. scrolled down and saw the top of the aviators cap of Jetboy. The Ode to Joy is playing now. (it actually is by a fitting coincidence).

    There is a short story called The Star, by HG Wells. It’s worth reading if you can find it.

    I’m in support of a cloud city. a undermast with water distillation could also work as a thermal power generator it would be sort of like a geothermal plant. and the weight under the city it would act like ballast then just build your bubble habitats. The thicker atmosphere and lower gravity should also make flying

    everybody should have neutrophils, and eosinophils, to some degree. I believe maybe what is meant is that the levels differ from group to group. in which case it might be more useful to describe how they differ. and wether it’s the % or the absolute values for these that are relevent.

    poodlecorp? aren’t they the ones taking over big youtubers and deleting their accounts? If so, I don’t think it’s anything to do with banning, these poodles seems to get their jollies from taking a crap on things that get popular, as a big f-u to the fans and the creators while also trying to get famous by getting

    cuz nobody has ever made an animated series from a graphic novel.

    ugh, now I feel old. I was raised with the lesson that you do your best, you support you teammates, and if you lose... such it up. If you don’t work well with another players playing style then find another team to join. It’s never okay to be an ass to the other team, and if you scream at and abuse a teammate, you are

    Sounds like a silly idea for a game. But whatever floats your boat I guess.

    they say water pokemon are around water sites, I wonder if ghost pokemon are found in cases like this. It would make sense, because when people are around me they always find...

    found it in twelve seconds. It it is really well blended in.