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    well duh, if it’s not about guilt, shame, or the authority of those that earn the pulpit, then of course it’s evil. what else could it possibly be?

    clearly you need to hang out with more gay men and straight women. From what I’ve witnessed over the years straight women find gay men no less desirable and in some cases more so.

    Star Trek the next generation first aired in 1987:

    We ditched our cable TV about 2 years ago. it was costing us close to 80$ a month to have it and maybe once every two to three months I’d find the remote, replace the rechargable batteries, and turn on the TV for a couple hours of catching up on things I DVRed or saved to netflix/amazon prime. Then we’d forget it even

    Misleading title is misleading.

    I’ve been wronged by a heartless doctor, he and I were not even remotely romantically inclined.

    If everybody else in the store had had their own fireworks this never would have happened.

    I was at first inclined to feel they shouldn’t. The movie was artistically wonderful, but really didn’t seem to get the audience invested in it.

    We’ve had thermal depolymerisation machines for decades. I remember and article in discovery magazine in the late 90s early 2000s that covered the anything into oil machine, and another article about a microwave based device that turns tires and plastics into fuels.

    I must have too many libertarians in my social network, I had a kneejerk disgust reaction to the name I misread.

    I didn’t need to be told that the make america white again was fake. The letters in white are so poorly edited that I’d doubt it even with the rest of the image for context.

    The ritz can have whatever dress code they want, I’d only get bothered by it if conferences that decide business partnerships are held in a dresscode venue. Then it smacks of keeping ones lessers out.

    what happens to innovation and scientific progress without the hope of financial rewards?

    I used to believe in direct democracy until I participated in one for a year.

    it baffled me at first, many cases of ecoli are from un(der)cooked meats the usual solution is to completely cook it and you’ll be fine.

    rub vegetable oil on the soles of your shoes. proble solved.

    psh, bottle flipping. Please. Get back to me when you can properly flip your wig.

    it seems to almost draw the eye more to the glaring miscast. If you cast several white people in roles of characters with names and cultural identities of japanese people, filling in the background with japanese cast members is a little too... glass ceiling. they know you exist, they can hire as many of you as they

    not watching the ones with spoilers for me, but I gotta say that Robocop does it best so far for me, followed by Matrix.