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    so it’s an early draft of non-medical tricorder?

    the more I’ve had to delve into this sort of data over the years the more useless some of this becomes.

    Um, seems to me it might be pretty valuble to be able to be able to build human cells from scratch with given genetic traits that one can then test drugs on to see if we can stop or reverse genetic illness, or to make a genetic modification to and watch how it effects the function of the cell before we begin looking

    between stasis, indefinate life span, and technology that gets around lightspeed limits I’d wager we may not be bound by those limits when we reach a point where it matters.

    I think I have patterns I could use to make most of these, and could work out the rest. I think I would find the process of making them more zen than just stareing at them but maybe that’s just me.

    They’ll replace the security scanner with a complete MRI, so they can do security and monitor the brain and organ damage at the same time.

    ugh! So she is black widow, captain america/winter soldier, antman/giantman, and wasp all in one. Is her code name Mary Sue?

    makes me think more of a beanstalk than a snake.

    I saw some of the highlights in a post online, and thought. Holy fuck this guys got balls of diamond. But damn if it wasn’t so delicious seeing such savage truths dropped on a bunch of pasty twits that take themselves for sacred and untouchable being of purity and light.

    I wonder if they tried to set up a girl on a date with a guy and while she’s waiting with her back to the door a guy she doesn’t recognise sits down with her and starts talking like he’s been looking at her messages? Maybe that was the reaction that made them change their mind about this episode. because yeah nothing

    Fat chance on that one. This country is so heavily drenched in a pill for every ill mentality, nothing is likely to change that anytime soon.

    I live in Manchester NH, we’ve go something local you’d love.

    I just figured from the getgo that 8 and 9 would be movies where we see the complex relationships of stormtroopers to each other and their ‘empire’ and Vulnerable villians scared of what it would do to them to walk back into the light.

    if you don’t mind a couple of suggestions: check your homocysteine, b12, folate and methylmalonic acid levels.

    Man I think I got lucky. I started a bit later, on the wrong side of the country, in hicksville nowhere, and mostly just goofed around with one or two others. We had maybe one brush with the big timers, who luckily came off as elitist pricks and went back to goofing off.

    For the people saying it’s a cyborg body it can look like anything: If you have to write out a backstory excuse for casting descisions then you are doing it wrong.

    tell them how much of the Metals and the POPs are in the ground water, air, soil, and healthcare products.

    I’m not sure this means what they think it means.

    why would you post this? I saw on on the floor of the doctors office a couple weeks ago. I spent the next week not getting enough sleep because I kept waking up and freaking out every time my leg brushed against my other leg. I was just starting to get over it. and you had to go and post this.

    wait wait wait. the black amor she is wearing. there are two other scenes of black armor in the preview.